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    Our Way – (Chapter: Guys and Basketball)

    The Carlin family sat around the table holding hands while they say grace.


    “Lord, I want to thank you for this food and a great first day of school for my children. Thank you for blessing us today and I hope we have many days like this to come. Amen.” Paula opened her eyes and let go of her husband’s hand.


    “Amen.” Spencer, Arthur, and Glen all said.


    “Dang Pops this is some good chicken.” Glen said chowing down on a chicken leg.


    “I’m glad you like it son.” Arthur said calmly and took a piece of chicken for himself.


    “So, Spencer how was the first day of school?”


    “It was great actually, I met a lot of people. Most of them are from my English class. There’s like Ashley, Jessica, Steven, and Craig.


    The sound of his name just made me want to barf. He isn’t even that hot. Ashley could do so much better, I mean look at me.


    “Who was the girl who waited for you on the curve?”


    “Oh yeah, that’s Jessica.”


    “She’s a nice girl.”


    “Yeup, she’s really cool.”


    “Is she hot?” Glen butted in


    Spencer looked at him disgusted and shook her head. “You’re really sick?”


    “What?” He asked holding out his arms. “Is she or what?”


    “She’s pretty, Glen, if that’s what your asking.”


    “All right, score.”


    “Glen, that’s sick. She’s in my age.”


    “She’s a hot young girl, bring her over some time.” Glen smiled nodding her head. He was probably thinking of some way to ask her out. God, that boy thinks he’s so hot.


    “I don’t think you should be dating anyone that’s as young as your sister.” Arthur spoke firmly.


    “Aww come on, Pops.”


    “You shouldn’t even be dating first of all.” Paula said taking a bite of her salad.


    “I’m a teenage boy, let me be.” Glen shot back.


    Spencer laughed quietly to herself enjoying the little argument.



    Spencer walked down the hallway towards her English class with books in her arms. Jessica came up next to her and smiled.


    “What up, G.” She laughed putting her arm around me.

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