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    Our Way – (Chapter: Katelyn, who?)

    “Boo!” Katelyn screamed from behind Jessica. She jumped a bit and looked back at Katelyn who was already laughing.

    “Geez, you pop up everywhere.”

    “Not everywhere, just places near you.” Katelyn smiled winking at her, lightly nudging her new friend’s arm. “Mind if you I walk with you.”

    “If you can stand walking with a slow person, than be my guest.” Katelyn smiled accepting the invitation. She shook her arm upwards to support the pile of books she was carrying. Text books, notebooks, and more textbooks, fun. The two walked silently side by side. Awkward silences, not good for the soul.

    “So, how much does a polar bear weigh?” Katelyn asked.

    “A kajillion pounds.”

    “Aww, so close a kajillion pounds and 1. You were soo close.” Katelyn giggled, “No really how much?”

    “Mhm.” Jessica thought hard. How much does…a polar bear…weigh? “Okay, I don’t know I give up.”

    “Enough to break the ice!” Katelyn laughed hitting Jessica in the arm again.

    “That was the stupidest joke, EVER.”

    “It wasn’t a joke…technically. It was a phrase to break the ice.” Katelyn said bobbling her head wondering if her friend got it.


    “You know you love how my brain works.”

    “Spencer, I met this girl a few days. I think…I’m into her.”

    “Damn you already moved on.”

    “Well I couldn’t wait for you forever.”

    “Well come on your killing me here. Who is it?” Spencer asked impatiently.

    “Her name is Katelyn.”

    “Nice name.”


    Spencer looked at her phone. Call Waiting: Babe :]

    “Hey, Jessica I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”

    “Okay, peace out, Spencer.”


    Spencer clicked over to Ashley.

    “Hey, baby.”

    “So like yeah, I was trying to write a song about you, cause you know music’s in my soul. But then this stupid girl was walking beside me and bumped my arm and now there’s this big line across my paper. And she was like ugh, move bitch. And damn, if my teacher wasn’t there I would’ve beaten the crap out of her.”

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