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    Our Way – (Chapter: Lines Will Never Be Forgotten (Part 1))

    Jessica sat next to her best friend leaning her head against her shoulder. “I’m so tired.”  Spencer leaned in next to her, heads touching. “School sucks.”


    “At least I get to see you.” Jessica said. Spencer looked at her confused; Jessica sat their laughing nervously and smiled.


    “Yeah, that’s the best part.”


    Ashley looked over at the two girls and scoffed jealously. She grabbed Craig’s hand and pulled him towards her. “Walk with me, baby.” Ashley slowly walked with him towards Jessica and Spencer.


    “You know, I haven’t had a friend like you.” Jessica said mumbling into Spencer’s shoulder.


    “Really, cause I never really been a good friend to anyone.”


    “That’s hard to-” Just then Ashley stopped infront of them and smiled at Spencer waving at her. Spencer face lit up as she waved back. Jessica just looked at Ashley disgusted at her.




    Spencer just kept on watching Ashley as she drifted away.


    “Spencer.” Jessica repeated.


    Spencer shook her head clearing her mind and looked back at Jessica. “Yeah?” Jessica sighed dropping her head. “It’s nothing.”





    Jessica grabbed her books off of her desk, tucking them under her arm as she scurried out of the room. She blocked out all surrounding sounds as she concentrated on the footsteps that neared behind her. One foot in front of another and the pattern repeated over and over again quicker and quicker. Jessica picked up her feet as fast as she could, holding onto her books as she darted between the halls and found her way behind a building where she stood against the wall exhausted. Tears rolled down her faces, her body slowly descending upon the ground. Her face found her soft hands which caught all her tears.


    Spencer turned the corner and found Jessica there weeping. Her knees met the cold asphalt as she rubbed her friends back.


    “Jess, what’s wrong.”


    Jessica shook her head mumbling into her hands.


    “You’ve been acting really different.”


    Jessica finally brought herself to lift up her head. Her black eyeliner left a dark line on her face as her tears continued to fall. Spencer’s face dropped by the look of so much pain in her friend’s eyes. “Talk to me please,” Spencer begged.


    Jessica shook her head unwillingly. Spencer’s eyes began to water. She moved her thumbs under Jessica’s eyes wiping away the tears.


    “Jessi,” Spencer’s voice cracked. Jessica began to shake gently as her arm gripped her wrist.


    “Please tell me you didn’t.”


    Jessica choked gripping her hand around her wrist. “Let me see it.” Jessica shook her head closing her eyes shut.


    “Please, let me see it.” Spencer whispered moving her hand slowly to her friends. She pulled her hand away and looked at her as she gently lifted up her sleeve. Spencer covered her mouth closing her eyes as tears began to fall down her face.


    “Why, Jessica, why did you do this to yourself?” She managed to say.


    “…because of you.”


    1. love it! i agree with NDFightingIrishFan though. it makes me sad that spencer and ashley’s happiness will/might be at jessica’s expense. “/ this is freaking great though! PMS

    2. love it! i agree with NDFightingIrishFan though. it makes me sad that spencer and ashley’s happiness will/might be at jessica’s expense. “/ this is freaking great though! PMS

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