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    Our Way – (Chapter: Marathon)

    Spencer lay across her bed facing television. Jessica had just left and Spencer wanted to catch up on some her TV shows. She picked up her DVD remote and clicked play.


    Previously on Kyle Xy…


    She watched her TV already entranced by her show. Flashes of different scenes from the previous episode came up on screen as Matt Dallas voice overshadowed everything.


    There was a knock on the door before it opened revealing Spencer’s older brother. “What are you watching?” He asked looking at the TV.


    “Kyle XY.”


    “You didn’t even tell me you were watching it. Scoot over.” He said inviting himself to watch my little marathon. He stretched out beside me propping his head on his hands as he began to watch.


    “What season is this?”


    “Season 1,” Spencer said turning up the volume in attempt to drown out the sound of her brother’s voice. She could not concentrate when two voices are talking at the same time.



    Jessica sat in her room reading a book for her class when the phone rang. She closed her book and threw it on her table knocking down a couple of picture frames. She held her phone checking the Caller ID before answering it.




    “What was up with that after school thing?’


    “Chill out, she just wanted to know if there was homework.” Jessica was lying to her best friend, but then again she didn’t want to break the promise with Spencer. What was more important to her?




    “You know Spencer, she just wants to do everything right.”


    “Yeah, she’s tight like that.”


    “She’s turning just like you!” Jessica laughed clapping her hands together. She didn’t want Spencer to turn into a mini Ashley. She wanted her to be completely different; she wanted her to be perfect.


    “That’s not always a bad thing.”


    “It is when your gonna be a perfectionist.”


    “That’s not nice, Jess.”


    “Who said I was nice?”


    Ashley fell silent unable to come up with something to shoot back at her best friend. She wasn’t really the best at coming up with good come backs.


    “That’s what I thought.”


    “Oh guess what!”


    “What?” Jessica said trying to sound interested.


    “Craig asked me out on a date.”


    “To where?”


    “I don’t know, but he’s taking me somewhere exciting since it’s our 1 year anniversary.”


    “Wow, that long.”


    “I know it doesn’t even feel like that.” Ashley sighed deeply. She couldn’t stop herself from blushing whenever she brought up her boyfriend. They were perfect for each other she thought. They just clicked.


    “I hope he lives up to your expectations, he is still, you know a guy.”

    ”Some guys aren’t always the clueless type.”


    “Shut up, Steven is just an idiot.”


    “You didn’t seem to think that a year ago. Why’d you break off with him anyways?”


    Jessica kept silent and lied, as she always did. “He just wasn’t right for me.”


    “Whatever, Jess.”


    The conversation got a little awkward, as it always did whenever they couldn’t come up with another subject to talk about.


    “Hey, uhh I’ll talk to you later. See you on Monday.”


    “Oh, sure. Bye.”


    Jessica didn’t feel like talking anymore.


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