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    Our Way – (Chapter: Nap Time)

    Paula wasn’t able to pick Spencer up so she decided to walk. Jessica who didn’t have basketball practice decided to come over and hang out. They walked down the sidewalk gripping their backpacks as they talked about how to use tampons.


     “So what you have to do, you see, is pull this thing out and then push this and then tada.” Jessica said holding up that mysterious thing.


    “So that’s how a tampon works?”


    “Yup, I don’t use them, though I just know how to work them.”


    Spencer took the tampon from Jessica and looked at it disgusted. She played with the little string that was dangling from the unusual cotton strip.


    “You just stick it up there?”


    “I guess so.”


    “Wouldn’t it hurt?”


    “I don’t know…I wouldn’t want to try. It looks scary.”


    “Yeah seriously.” Spencer said relieved throwing away the tampon in a nearby trashcan.


    Earlier during school Spencer tried to “flirt” with Ashley which was a big disaster. Spencer who thought it would be great to hold Ashley’s books for her was to late when Craig came up beside her and gladly took her books. He was rewarded with a short make-out session. Jessica saw what happened and walked over to Spencer swinging her arm around her shoulder. “It’s all right, buddy.” She smiled and her and brought her away from the couple.


    “I hate Craig.”


    “I would too, but it’s fun to mess with him on the courts.”


    “You’re lucky.”


    Spencer and Jessica walked up the pathway towards the front door and entered. Spencer ran upstairs followed by Jessica who was taking two steps at a time. She opened up the door to her room which was pretty girly. Purple and pink stuff around, a make up section in a corner and her girly bed.


    “Nice” Jessica snorted trying not to laugh as she hopped up on the bed taking her shoes off first. Spencer placed her backpack next to her door and sat down on a chair next to her computer.


    “So…what do we do now?”




    “God, Spencer you’re such a dork.”


    “What?” She said defending non-dorky self.

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