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    Our Way – (Chapter: P-O-L-I-C-E)

    “Shut up, girl!” Spencer heard a brutal slap and crying.


    Oh man, oh man, oh man. Spencer pulled out her cell phone and dialed 911 with her shaking fingers.


    She pounded on the door as she waited for someone to answer. “Jessica don’t worry! I’m here! Mr. Avens when I get in there I swear I’m going to fuck you up!”


    “Spencer! Help!”


    “I said shut up!” SLAP. “Pull down your pants now!”


    “Jessica, don’t! Don’t do it!”


    “You need to tell your friend to shut up.” SLAP.


    “911, what’s your emergency?”


    “Hello, uhh, I need the police now!” Spencer stumbled over her words.


    “Please calm down ma’am. What is your emergency?”


    “My friend…uhh she’s getting raped by her dad. Can you hurry?”


    “Okay, I’m sending a police car right now. Stay on the phone with me.”


    “Yeah, yeah.” Spencer pounded on the door again. “Mr. Avens please stop!” Spencer cried shaking the door knob.


    “Where does your friend live ma’am?”


    “She lives uh…21456 Perryville Lane.”


    “Okay, a car is coming.”


    “Can they hurry the fuck up?”


    There was banging on the front door. “Anyone there? Open up!” Spencer clutched her phone and ran downstairs opening the door to two policemen.


    “Where are they?”


    Spencer pointed upwards to her friend’s bedroom and closed the phone. They all ran up the stairs and stopped in front of Jessica’s door.


    The policemen banged on the door.


    “Spencer please!!!!”


    “Shut up, dumb child.”


    Jessica shrieked calling out Spencer’s name over and over again.


    “Do something please!” Spencer cried to the policemen.


    The looked at each other and nodded. One of the policemen picked up his foot and banged down the door. Damn.


    They pulled out their guns and turned on the light.


    “Put your hands up and step away from the girl!” The policemen ordered.


    Mr. Avens stood at the edge of the bed with his pants down, but his boxers were still on. Jessica lay on the bed naked. She covered herself with her blanket and wiped away her tears. Spencer ran to her best friend and hugged her. “It’s okay, Jess, it’s over now.”


    “Step away from the girl!” They ordered. Mr. Avens held up his hands moving away from the bed.


    Spencer wrapped her arms around Jessica’s shaking body. They were both crying now, but glad that no one got hurt badly.


    “Mr. Avens you are under arrest.” One of the cops said putting hand cuffs on him. The cop gripped his shoulder and made his way out of the room. Mr.Avens stopped and looking behind his shoulder. “I’m sorry, honey.”


    “Get out!” Spencer screamed.


    The cop walked him downstairs and into the police car.


    “Hey, I’m gonna need to talk to you about the situation.” The other police offer said kneeling down next to the bed.


    Jessica nodded sniffling. He looked over at Spencer and smiled, “You did a good job.”


    “Just make sure he gets what he deserves.”


    “I’ll do that.” He tipped his cap at us and gave us his card. “If anything happens you can reach me at this number. You’ll receive a call later about this.”


    He walked out of the room and out of the house. The sirens slowly faded and so did Jessica’s father.

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