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    Our Way – (Chapter: Picnic & Poem)

    Ashley pulled Craig aside and sat him down on the bench.

    “What’s up, Ash?”

    “We need to talk.” Ashley said calmly patting his hand.

    “Well go ahead.”

    “You know I love you right? Well it’s just that I don’t know. I don’t think I can handle a boyfriend right now.”

    “But we were together for a couple months. What makes you change your mind, now?”

    Ashley sighed deeply. He was making this more difficult than she thought. How come he couldn’t just let it go and leave?

    “It’s just I’m not into you anymore Craig.”

    “Ashley, I love you.”

    “I know you do, I just can’t do it now.” Ashley smiled and stood up from the bench. She leaned down kissing her ex on the cheek. “There’s plenty more girls out there, Craig.”

    “But I want you.”

    “Trust me, you don’t.”

    Spencer lay across the picnic blanket placed on the damp grass. On her left was a beautiful picnic made by herself and to her left laid Ashley. Ashley rubbed her stomach easily smiling with pleasure.

    “That smells really good.”

    “It better be; I worked hard making that.”

    Ashley linked arms with her, nuzzling her head into her shoulder. “I’m sure it’ll be the best.” Spencer smiled brightly taking in the fragment of Ashley’s lotion. The overwhelming papaya smell made her melt.

    “I’m so glad you’re here with me.” Spencer murmured. Ashley lifted her hand to the blonde and began to stroke her hair.

    “I’m glad that you’re with me too.” Ashley sighed. “It just feels perfect, ya know?” Spencer nodded in agreement knowing that the words she could say wouldn’t express what she felt about the brunette.

    Jessica sat there clicking her pen repeatedly. She finally gave in letting her mind wander off. Different moments of her and Spencer flickered in her mind as she began to scribble down words into her journal.

    The first day we met we were just friends

    Talking, Studying, all the things we love to do

    But then I just had to say what I felt

    Now you my heart is broken in two

    You say that we are strong

    Stronger than you can be with her

    But you still don’t choose me

    I thought our love was sure

    Though you can leave me just like that

    I’ll still be waiting for you

    You can be with as many girls

    But none of them will love you like I do

    Jessica sat there reading it over and over again. The words echoing inside her head, taunting her and she knew it was all true. Her heart pained but her body still moving forward. She had to be with her or move on.

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