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    Our Way – (Chapter: Runaway)

    Spencer laid quietly across the bed motionless as a tired Jessica slept soundly next to her. It was a rough couple hours since the 2nd encounter that Spencer had seen and everything after it began to unfold very quickly.


    The sound of keys rattling and the slam of a door shook the moment between Jessica and Spencer. They both stood their quietly wishing that it wasn’t Mr. Avens.


    “Jessica, down now! You too, Spencer!” Mrs. Avens yelled from downstairs.


    Jessica looked over at her best friend frightened. Spencer smiled at her and slid off the bed reaching her out to Jessica.


    “Come on, your mom wants us.”


    Jessica sat on her bed frozen. “Jessi, let’s go.”


    She took Spencer’s hand as she dragged herself down the stairs.


    “What the fuck is going on!” Mrs. Avens screamed slamming her fist on the dinner tables. The cups that Spencer forgot to wash rattled.


    “I get a call from work from the police department to her that my husband is in jail?!”


    Jessica dropped her head sticking her hands in her pockets of her pjs.


    “They did tell you what happened…didn’t they?” Spencer whispered avoiding eye contact with the very scary lady.


    “What, speak up?”


    “They did tell you-”


    “Of course they fucking told me!” Mrs. Avens shot back. “Jessica seriously is this for attention.”


    Jessica’s breathing sharpen as her heart began to race. She shook her head from side to side.


    “Mrs. uhm, Avens, I’m surprised that you are yelling at your daughter.”


    “My daughter, you really think she’s my daughter.”


    “Well isn’t she?”


    Jessica sighed deeply. “She’s adopted. Stupid child, I knew you were up to something.”


    Spencer’s anger began to rise by every snotty comment Mrs. Avens said.


    “I knew you wanted attention. Everyone wants stupid attention. Damn, child.”


    Spencer looked Mrs. Avens directly in the eyes and screamed in her face. “Shut up! Just shut up!”


    “What did you say?”


    “You can not treat Jessica like this! Who cares if she’s adopted she is still your daughter. Your DAUGHTER!” Spencer screamed poking her index finger in her chest. “You are supposed to protect her not yell at her! What the fuck did she do? Huh, tell me. Tell me what she did, Mrs. Avens.”


    “She’s just a stupid gay child. You stupid homo!”


    Spencer stopped. Gay child? She looked over at Jessica who was already crying.


    “We’re leaving.”


    “Go ahead take her.”


    Spencer grabbed Jessica’s hand and pulled her out of her house.



    “Spencerr…” Jessica groaned turning on her side opening her red, swollen eyes.


    “Go back to sleep, Jess.” Spencer cooed brushing her hair. Jessica smiled and closed her eyes in attempt to go back to sleep. Spencer sighed dropping her head on her comfy pillow. It was going to be a long day tomorrow. She had to explain to her parents why she brought home a friend in the middle of the night without telling them. And why she was sleeping her bed, her small twin bed. She closed her eyes and pulled her blanket over her cold body. She really needed to sleep.

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