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    Our Way – (Chapter: Skip the Drama, Let’s Just Star Over.)

    Jessica laid across her bed holding onto her teddy bear as she stared at the ceiling. She had finally expressed her unedifying love for Spencer and she was turned down. The alarm went off with a loud buzzing sound and without any effort Jessica slammed down the clock onto the floor pulling out the plug. It was 6 A.M. and Jessica wasn’t up for getting out of bed at the moment, so she just rested there.

    “Spencer, wait up.” Ashley called out running after her. Spencer looked back at her and smiled slowing down so the brunette could catch up.

    “What’s up?”

    “Have you seen Jessica today?”

    “I thought she hung out with you at nutrition?”

    “I haven’t seen her all day. What if something happened to her, she’s never been absent, ever.”

    Spencer’s heart began to race what if she’s injured or in the hospital. She did left her down harshly and she knew now that she was unstable.

    “I…I don’t know.” Spencer stuttered.

    “Did anything happen with you guys?”

    “What, no. Nothing happened.”

    Ashley laughed slightly. “I’ll call her later.”

    “Yeah, I wanna know where she’s at.”

    Jessica stretched out on the floor of her bedroom placing down her colored pencils next to her. Her cousin was at work that day and she was home alone, bored. She opened the box and reached in for the black. A piece of paper laid in front of her as she began to think of what to draw. After a moment she smiled and began to draw.

    Ashley crossed her legs over one another stretching her arms upwards. Carrying books around school can be a real killer to your arms. She dropped her arm above her eyes blocking the heat. A shadow hovered over her and she released her arm.

    “Can I sit?” Spencer asked politely

    Ashley scooted over making room for the blonde and placed her book on top of her lap. Spencer pulled up her legs up to her chest enclosing them with her arms and there she rested her head.

    “Not having Jessica around seems weird.”

    “Why would it be weird?” Ashley asked defensively.

    “Well, it’s not weird, it’s just different.”

    Ashley nodded not wanting to respond. Her conversations became a little awkward with Spencer, knowing that the girl loved her. She brushed through her hair with her fingers and exhaled lightly. A slight vibration interrupted the brunette’s thoughts and she slowly retrieved her cell phone from her pocket and flipped it open.

    “Talk to me.”

    Spencer looked over at Ashley who seemed to be starting an argument with the person on the other line. Out of boredom, she took out her own cell phone and opened it. The screen showed a text message from Jessica and Spencer read it.


    I wanna start things over. Call me later.


    Spencer saved the text message before placing it back into her pocket. By the time she was done Ashley was already done with her heated phone call.

    “Craig is such an ass.”

    “As I’ve been saying, you guys are the perfect couple.”

    “Pshh, stop with your sarcasm.”

    “But, you love it.” Spencer smiled teasing her.

    “Yeah, I kinda do.”

    Jessica held her phone in her head watching it closely. She’s been waiting for an hour for Spencer’s call and she was soon getting tired and wanted to give up. Jessica ran her fingers across the numbers hoping for some way that Spencer would call. Before she was able to throw it, her phone began to vibrate.

    “Hey! I didn’t think you were gonna call.”

    “Well, I just wanted to catch up with you Jessica.”

    “Oh, hey Ash.”


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