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    Our Way – (Chapter: Thank You, Universe)

    Spencer sat on her bed placing her already warm laptop on her lap. She hasn’t checked her Myspace in forever and comments were overflowing her homepage. The cursor hovered over each comment as she read them skimming the small details each one had. She clicked open her AIM and her iTunes as she began her Friday night.

    Jason Mraz: I’m Yours played lightly in the background.

    itsSpencer: How’s the unsingle life?

    xAshleyx: Totally awesome, did you know my girlfriend is totally hot?

    itsSpencer: Ashley, what did I tell you, keep your hot comments to yourself.

    xAshleyx: But believe me when I say it again, she’s hot!

    itsSpencer: Well then I’ll just have to meet her.

    xAshleyx: Then you should

    xAshleyx: Hahaha

    Spencer continued typing, laughing at every comment Ashley made about her. Her beauty, her nerdy…ness, her style, and even the way she talks. Who knew that Ashley loved the way her voice sounded?

    With ever click of the button different sites popped around the screen of her laptop.,, and some fan sites of her favorite shows.

    xAshleyx: I miss you.

    itsSpencer: Pshhh, we are so not doing this again

    xAshleyx: You don’t miss me? :[

    xAshleyx: Hahah

    itsSpencer: Cry me a river, Ash

    xAshleyx: Shut up! Show me some lovin’ for once.

    itsSpencer: Sorry baby.

    xAshleyx: That’s more like it. You can continue

    itsSpencer: I miss the way you smell, the way your body touches mines when we hug, the way you move your hands slowly above your head to push your bangs, I can go on forever.

    xAshleyx: That’d be nice.

    Spencer laughed at the laptop and continued her conversation. A knock on the door sounded and in came Daddy Dearest.

    “Hey…what are you doing?”


    “You’re always on the computer. Why don’t you do your homework or read?”

    “One I’m not always on the computer, two I have no homework, and three I finished all my books…meaning I need more.”

    Arthur groaned lightly and sat on the edge of her bed. He wrapped his arm around his daughter bringing her into a tight hug.

    “Okay, really Dad, your killing me here.”

    Arthur laughed and let go. “You’re going to get glasses watch.”

    “What ever you say!”

    Arthur laughed and exited the room closing the door slightly. Spencer turned back to her computer and read what Ashley had typed when she was “away”.

    xAshleyx: So how is my beautiful girlfriend?

    xAshleyx: …okay seriously where you at?

    xAshleyx: Dude why aren’t you answering me?

    xAshleyx: Don’t make me call you.

    xAshleyx: Grrrrrr! Now I’m talking to myself.

    xAshleyx: Guess what! ….Your awesome.

    xAshleyx: …and so am I!

    xAshleyx: hmm, what are the odds. To awesome people together, the world is just so perfect. WE need to thank the universe for making such wonderful people. Come on Spence give thanks….damn it give thanks!

    xAshleyx: hahha, thanks Mr. Universe, wait, or is it Mrs. ? Maybe it’s a he she…like Ciara. Dude, that was like soo 2005? 2006? I forget.

    Spencer shook her head trying not to laugh. No matter how much she liked Ashley there were just some things she found very weird. Her randomness was so awesome.

    itsSpencer: Sorry, my dad came into the room?

    xAshleyx: I should thank the universe again. “Who eve you are I’d like to thank you for bringing my baby back. Thank you.

    itsSpencer: You are soo weird

    xAshleyx: But you love me anyways :]


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