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    Our Way – (Chapter: The Art of Asking Someone Out)

    “So class, remember there are 3 branches of our government: judicial, executive, and legislative.”


    “Wait! No one can go yet.”

    The students who were just about to rush out of class sat back down in their seats, eager to leave and Jessica was one of them. “There will be a quiz about the U.S. government tomorrow. Make sure you study.” The class groaned lazily knowing that nobody would pass the test unless they really studied, which was B-O-R-I-N-G. “Okay go ahead. Class dismissed.” The boys carrying their basketballs and notebooks ran out the door followed by the promiscuous girls and finally at the very end, Jessica with the nerds.

    “Gosh, I can’t believe I have to study. That adds another hour to my already 3 hours of homework.” One of the nerds groaned.

    Jessica looked at them surprised. “You guys actually study…like you actually read the book.” The nerds looked at each other and laughed with the occasional nerdy snort.

    “Who doesn’t study?”

    Jessica nodded embarrassed speeding up her pace in order to escape her smart surroundings. Jessica wasn’t as smart as them, but she wasn’t getting fails in any of her classes, at least she didn’t think so.

    Jessica caught up to Katelyn who was heading towards the cafeteria. “I’m so hungry.” Jessica sighed digging in her pocket for her money. “Aha!” She pulled out from her pocket…a lint ball. “Damn it.”

    Katelyn looked at her smiling, “I’ll just pay for you.” Katelyn said reaching into her pocket pulling out an extra dollar.

    “Nah, I’ll just eat when I get home. It’s okay, really.”

    “But you wouldn’t be heading home so quickly, cause you’ll be with me.” Katelyn smiled giving her friend her dollar. Jessica looked at her confused, “I am?”

    “Yeah, you are.”

    “Right…” Jessica laughed nervously.

    “Good, so it’s a date.”

    “A date…” Jessica asked awkwardly.

    “Not like a date, date, just like you know, a date.”

    “A date.”

    “Ugh, yeah sure whatever you wanna call it.”

    “It’s a date then.” Jessica laughed leaning over to her friend and kissed her cheek. “I’m still hungry, let’s go!” Katelyn’s face beamed as she rubbed her palm against her cheek. The cheek Jessica kissed…

    Katelyn’s mom pulled up next to the two girls in her car. “Hop in.” The two girls got in, Katelyn in the passenger’s seat and Jessica in the back. “Thanks for picking me up, Mom.” Her mom smiled at her as she pulled out of the parking lot.

    Katelyn turned her head around and smiled, “So, I was thinking that we would catch a movie. If your okay with that?”

    “Of course, take me anywhere. You act like I have homework to do.”

    “You heard that mom, to the movies!” Katelyn laughed.

    “Can I get two tickets for, Across the Universe, please?”

    “Oh my god, were watching that?”

    Katelyn handed the woman the cash and she handed her 2 tickets. “Enjoy the movie.”

    “What you don’t want to watch it?”

    “No, I’m just saying, I love the Beatles.”

    “That’s awesome.” Katelyn smiled handing Jessica her ticket. The two girls entered AMC and handed the man there tickets. He smiled at them giving back there ripped ticket stubs.

    Jessica linked her arm with Katelyn and leaned over towards her ear, “That man just smiled at us.’

    “What about it, he’s just trying to be nice?”

    “It’s creepy.”

    “He just thinks were hot. Cause I know you are.” Katelyn smiled stealing a kiss on the cheek and scurried over to the food court. Jessica ran to her linking their arms again. “Since you paid for the tickets I’ll pay for food.”

    “Okay, that’s fair.”

    “What do you want?” Jessica asked.

    “Candy, choose any. I’ll go save seats in the theatre.”


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