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    Our Way – (Chapter: The Finale)

    Ashley walked to Spencer’s door and knocked lightly. Her guitar hung loosely across her back. Spencer opened the door and smiled. “Oh yes…my dreams are coming true.”

    “What dream? No wait let me guess. A beautiful teenage girl coming to your house to sing you a song?” Ashley smiled placing her hands on her hips and posed.

    “Oh yeah!” Spencer laughed. “Come on in. Merry Christmas by the way.” She said and kissed Ashley on the cheek before they went into the living room where her family was just beginning to open gifts.

    Glen was already sitting on the floor surrounded by his billion gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Carlin sat on the couches sipping wine enjoying the happiness they brought to there children.

    “Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Carlin. Thanks for inviting me.” Ashley smiled. The two nodded at her and told her to sit down.

    Glen began ripping off the wrappers of all his gifts revealing a new basketball, clothes, and what he always wanted, a PS3. “Dude, are you serious?!?”

    His parents nodded at him and smiled. “This is freakin’ tight! Thanks you guys.” He ran up to them and hugged them.

    Spencer’s parents handed her a single envelope. “I hope you like it, Spence.” They said in unison. Glen looked at them and laughed. “All you got is an envelope, that’s whack!”

    “Shut up, Glen what if it’s like a hundred dollars.”

    “Whatever lil’ sis nothing’s gonna top this PS3.”

    Spencer looked over at Ashley before she peeled off the flap on the envelope. She pulled out two tickets and screamed. “Two tickets to the Jonas Brothers!” She squealed and ran over to her parents giving them both a big hug.

    “This so tops your PS3.”

    “Ohhh, Jonas Brothers. There so hot, there so cute. Ugh, girls these days.” Glen groaned.

    “We were just gonna get you one, but I thought you would want to go with Ashley. So we bought another.”

    Spencer looked over at Ashley. “Hell yeah, baby!” Ashley laughed hugging Spencer’s parents. “You guys totally rock!”

    “We do “rock” don’t we honey.” Mr. Carlin laughed giving his wife a high-five.

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    1. aww its so cute how katelyn had the same books and CD but she was still so happy when she opened them from katelyn. dont worry jessica, that is totally something i would do! im the worst gift giver. and i loved ash and spence’s presents with the whole photo album and the song, it was so cute!

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