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    Our Way – (Chapter: Were Not Together…Yet)

    Jessica plopped down on the seat next to me throwing bags of candy off to her side. She looked over meeting Katelyn’s shocked face. “Don’t tell me none of those are what you wanted?” Katelyn eyes widened still in shock.

    “Damn it, I knew I should’ve got the Sour Patch.”

    Katelyn laughed shaking her head. “You got a lot of candy, I mean look at that.” She gestured towards the mountain of all the different kinds of chocolates.

    “You said to get any kind.”

    “I didn’t mean all of it!”

    “Well, don’t be such a pooper. I already bought it so let’s just have fun and eat it all.”

    Katelyn nodded, “And you should’ve got the Sour Patch Kids, there my favorite.”

    “Damn it. I hate my second thoughts. Curse you, second thoughts!”

    Katelyn shook her head in embarrassment as she leaned in closer to Jessica as the movie began. Jessica scooted over closing the tiny space between them. There bodies touched sending a sensation though her body. She sighed lightly placing her head on Katelyn’s shoulder. Katelyn looked down at her friend smiling at her and leaned to the side bringing Jesssica with her and enclosed her arms around her friend’s body as the opening credits lightened the theatre.

    Jessica smiled to herself snuggling into Katelyn’s arms.

    “Comfy?” Katelyn whispered. Jessica nodded in response and focused on the movie.

    “Man I have got to say that movie was awesome! Except the corny parts.” Katelyn laughed.

    “I know, I mean seriously, it was so corny. But you know what makes up for it?”

    “Evan Rachel Wood?” Katelyn asked as she and Jessica walked out of AMC.

    “Heck yes, I mean she’s so hot.”

    “Yeah I totally-” Someone girl hit Katelyn and knocked her down. Jessica turned around angrily, “Hey watch it, bitch.”

    The girl looked back and cursed at them effortlessly.



    “Oh, man I’m sorry.” Jessica laughed nervously and lifted up Katelyn from the ground. She brushed herself off as she looked on. “I didn’t know it was you.” Just then the girl next to Spencer looked back to see what the commotion was.


    “Jessica hey.” She smiled walking over and gave her a hug. “How it’s going?”

    “Oh same. I just finished watched a movie with my friend.” She gestured towards Katelyn.

    “Hey, I’m Katelyn. So by what I heard your Ashley?” Katelyn questioned sticking out her hand in attempt to make a friendly handshake.

    “Yeah, that’s me.”

    Spencer looked at Jessica and Katelyn who were now stand closely together. “So you guys are together?” Katelyn laughed as she looked towards Jessica who already had a smile on her face.

    “No were not.” Jessica laughed nudging Katelyn in the arm. “Oh yeah, it’s nothing….” Katelyn budged in. “…Yet” She finished under her breath. Jessica heard and smiled winking at her. Spencer witnessed their flirty exchange and grabbed Ashley’s hand. “Come on baby, let’s go.” Ashley looked at her and then back at her two friends. “Well you heard the woman; I’ll catch up with you guys later.”

    Jessica and Katelyn waved at them and made their way to the closest bench in sight.


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