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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 1)

    “This cannot be happening!”


    “Well, it is Ashley. It’s been over for awhile now.”


    “C’mon, you have to be kidding me! We’ve been together for how long? And you just want to pick up and leave after three years together?!”


    “You just don’t get it, do you? We’ve been drifting apart for months and months!”


    “Alex, how could you do this? Isn’t it painful at all for you?”


    “It is Ashley. But I have to be happy in my life. And drifting away from someone I used to love so much isn’t exactly how I want to live the rest of my life.”


    This was the moment that my life fell apart. My girlfriend of three years left me. She just picked up her stuff and left me. Supposedly I had pushed her away over time, pushing us apart and out of our relationship. I never felt as if I had pushed her away. I loved her. But I guess I didn’t have a good, solid way of making sure that she knew that.


    Weeks after Alex left me I lost control. I began smoking, drinking, popping pills. I did it all. I was a health-nut before she left me. But nothing seemed to matter anymore. My art, my health, my life, was worthless to me. A big confusional mess that left me all alone.


    I was the curator of art at the Benchenwald Art Museum, and I was also a struggling artist. My profound love for it all, landed me a great job where I met the first true love of my life. It took me on a three and a half year rollercoaster ride that wasn’t bad until now. Alex would come into the museum every Friday afternoon. She was at a nearby doctor’s office. She would bring her lunch and dissect painting after painting. She was twenty-four at the time. I was barely twenty-two. I observed her for awhile, and then one day we started to talk about paintings together. The paintings turned into weekly lunches together, then dinners, and then our relationship. It was the deepest relationship I had ever been in. For it to end was a complete shock.


    After Alex left I had a new exhibit of paintings at the museum. They were abstract and every single one of them reminded me of her unique taste in artwork. I couldn’t help but allow myself to give up. I would cry every time I had to hang a painting or hold one in my hands.

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    1. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    2. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    3. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any….I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like Paula brainwashed clone to me Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just mypoint of vew…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__

    4. I love your writing…I’ve read all your previous fanfics on this site! Although I never really commented any, I really like the idea of them meeting in rehab and I love the fact, that you didn’t “cut” out Spencer’s ohsoshy personnality….”Oh…um…I never figured you to be one of those either.”–>loved it…sounded very much like a , by Paula brainwashed clone to me !Keep up with the great work!!I’ll make sure to comment every single post of tis story because I kind of feel bad for just reading and leaving without letting you know what i think of the story…..It’s just my point of view…but it’s something…right? :)Make sure to post more soon…__Anne__PS: Sorry for posting the same thing twice , but I had to change some stuff in the previous one.Can you say neat freak?!

    5. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

    6. heeeeey its great!! i totally love how its going, it has some awesome possibilties open to it… ive been too caught with this horrid thing called ‘xmas’ to be able to be on here enough to comment on everyone :) but yesh PLEASE continue :D :D :D pwetty pwease hehehe

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