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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 4)


    I offered a welcoming hand, “Aiden, I’m Ashley Davies, curator of this museum.”


    “Nice to finally meet you Miss Davies,” He shook my hand.


    “Please, call me Ashley. Everyone else here does.”


    I showed him around and then went to my office. It felt so odd trying to get back to the swing of the life I had left. Before I could catch my breath it was lunch time. I wanted to go out but I didn’t want to go alone. So I called Aiden, “Hey, Aiden?”


    “Yes Miss Davies?”


    “Would you like to go out to lunch with me?”


    “Read my mind, I’m starving.”


    Aiden and I went to a local diner. I kept getting the feeling that there was something different about him. But I didn’t exactly know what yet. Suddenly my cell phone started ringing after we ordered. It was Spencer.


    “Boyfriend?” Aiden asked as I stared down at the caller i.d. screen.


    “Umm…no, girlfriend.”


    “Oh…OH!” He finally caught on.


    I answered the phone, “Hey babe.”


    “Hey, how’s work?”


    “Good. I made a new friend.”


    “That’s awesome.” She sounded distant.


    “Yeah we’re at the café just grabbing some lunch together. How are things going there?”


    “Boring as usual. It s not the same without you.”


    “I’ll try my best to come visit this weekend, promise.”


    “That would be nice.”


    Suddenly I remembered that I needed to surprise her, “Oh yeah, guess what?”


    Spencer got serious, “What?”


    “I love you.” There was silence on Spencer’s end of the phone. I knew that I had surprised her, “Are you still there?”


    “Yeah, sorry. I love you too.” She said through fresh tears.


    “What’s wrong?”


    “Nothing. You have no idea how much that meant. I was trying my best not to cry but I just can’t help it.”


    “Aww…don’t cry.”


    “Sorry to cut this short Ash, but I gotta go.”


    “It’s okay. I’ll talk to you later.”


    “Bye Ash.”


    “Good bye Spence.” I shut my cell phone.


    As we sat there eating our lunch, Aiden let me in on what the odd vibe was that I was getting off of him. He was also gay. He didn’t seem like he was until he told me. But then I really started to notice his actions and body language. I couldn’t believe that I didn’t recognize it all before.

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