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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 4)


    Before long, the first week without Spencer had flown by. Aiden agreed to drive me out to see her. I couldn’t wait. I wanted to see her so badly. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, look her in the eyes and tell her that I loved her. I needed to see the expression on her face, hear the words directly, and feel the true meaning of it all.


    When we got to the house, James (our psychologist) had to check us for any alcohol or drugs. After we proved to him that we came clean, Aiden and I walked farther into the house. Madison, Trish, and Jamie came running for us as we walked in. I was practically knocked down and suffocated to death.


    As we stopped the hugging, Madison fired question after question at me, “How are you? What’s it like going back to your old life? Who’s this?” She pointed at Aiden.


    I wasn’t really paying any attention to her because I noticed Spencer quickly walking towards me. I walked towards her. I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up off the ground in a tight embrace. I was much stronger than I looked so it was easy. I took in all of her scent.


    I gently let her back down. I pulled away enough to look her in the eyes, and then I bent down to kiss her. The kiss was even more passionate than all of the others in my life combined. I gently pulled my head away, “I love you.”


    Spencer smiled as her ocean blue eyes stared back at me, “I love you too.”


    “Aww…aren’t puppies cute?! Now, aren’t you going to introduce my ass?” Aiden obviously knew how to ruin a moment.


    I looked back at him and pulled away from Spencer, “Guys, this is Aiden. I work with him at the museum.”


    “Finally! Now, who are all of you?” He asked looking at Madison, Trish, and Jamie.


    I pointed, “Left to right they’re, Madison, Jamie, and Trisha.”


    Aiden put on a charming smile, “Nice to finally meet all of you.” Aiden walked over to Spencer and me, “And as I take it, you must be the infamous Spencer?”

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