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    Paintings In My Mind – (Chapter: 4)


    “That would be right. Nice to meet you.”


    “Ditto. Ash, there are all the guys at?”


    “Probably upstairs playing Xbox of Playstation.”


    “Awesome. Thanks!” Aiden quickly climbed the stairs.


    “What’s his deal?” Spencer sounded confused by him.


    “He’s a hormonal gay man?”


    “Oh…Oh! That would explain the vibe.”


    “Wow, you got the vibe too? Glad I wasn’t the only one.”


    I sat down and talked to all of the girls for awhile. But I just wanted to talk to Spencer alone. That time finally came about an hour later. I asked Madison if we could use her room since she no longer had a roommate. She obliged and we went to my old room.


    As soon as the door closed our hands were all over one another. I laid down on what was once my bed. Spence lay on top of me, straddling me with both legs. The kissed were short, long, deep, light, heavy; it changed as we changed. But then I stopped kissing her for a moment and head to ask the obvious, “Are you sure you want to do this now?”


    Spencer looked down at me and then her expression changed to a confused one.


    “It’s a big deal and I just…I want it to be…special for you.”


    She rolled off of me and laid down beside me, laying her head on my arm, “You’re always concerned.”


    “Bad thing?”


    “No, no, good thing. I’ve just…never had anyone care enough to worry about what I want. Most of the guys I’ve dated have just taken what they’ve wanted.”


    “Well, they’re guys. I’m a woman. I know what you go through, how you feel, what means the most to you. And I just want this whole process to be the best for you.” I played with her hair as I spoke.


    Spencer sat up, “Thank you.” She leaned down and captured my lips.


    Holding her in that moment I felt more whole than I ever had before. I didn’t need anything else but her. Her touch could send chills through me, but set my heart on fire at the same time. This relationship felt nothing like my previous ones. I was taking my time with this one. I didn’t want to rush something so great. I wanted to indulge every second that I spent with her, and I still felt like it wasn’t enough time.

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