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    Past Perfect – (Chapter: 4-For the Worse)

    “Alright Ash, you have two shows in Chicago this weekend.”


    Madison was going over my schedule with me but I wasn’t paying attention to anything she was saying. I was staring down at my cell phone wondering why Spencer hadn’t returned one of my phone calls since the tour started. I even emailed her, texted her, and nothing seemed to be working.


    “Ash? Ash, are you listening to me?”


    My eyes snapped upward, “Yeah, sorry.”


    I watched as she sat her palm pilot on the table and took off her Bluetooth headset, “This is about Spencer isn’t it?”


    “I just…I told her that I would call her ever day and she hasn’t returned one of my phone calls.”


    “Calm down. I talked to her this morning.”


    “What?!” I couldn’t believe her, “Why in the hell didn’t you tell me?!”


    “Because she asked me not to.”


    “What is that supposed to mean?”


    “I don’t know, she said that it would be good for you guys to have some time apart.”


    “Three weeks?! Isn’t that enough time apart?!”


    “Ash, calm down. You have to get yourself together because you have a show tonight and tomorrow.”


    Madison and I spent the next hour and a half discussing the events of the night. After that I locked myself in my dressing room trying to figure out why suddenly Spencer wanted us to have space. Not to mention I was wondering how our daughter was doing. I had been on the road for three weeks and the night before I left it was amazing for Spencer and I. I thought that things were great between us when I walked out our front door with my bags in hand. I guess I was really wrong.


    I heard a knock on my door, “Ash, you have a special guest.”


    I got up from the couch in my dressing room and unlocked the door, “Madison, I told you that I…” Madison wasn’t standing at the door anymore, and who I saw blew me away.


    “Hey, Ashley. I just…stopped in to see the show and figured that I’d come back and say hi.”


    I shook my head out of my daze and put on a fake smile, “Hey…Kelly.” We stood there in silence for a few seconds until I finally came to my full senses, “Would you like to come in?”

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    1. NO!!!!! VERY BAD ASHLEY! Spencer doesn’t show you some attention so that makes you cheat on her. Did you ever think that maybe she’s just busy at home with your daughter? No one is better than Spencer. When will you realize that? Or I could be wrong and Spencer could be up to no good too at home but I doubt it. What was Ashley thinking? Oh who am I kidding? I love the drama. I’m glad you’re back with this story.

    2. ok, so im so glad u updated… but wat the hell???? y? wats up with spence an wat was with ashley being more into kelly than spence.. cuz.. nuh uh, i understand being pissed an having it be a comfort thing only… but comparing them an finding kelly better… dont really like that… post soon, i really have to know wats up

    3. ok it took me 3hrs to read all the chapter from the begining of this story. i can’t believe that you had ashley cheating with kelly, i undestand that she didn’t talk to spencer but that gibes her no right. i hope that she realize that she f!@ked up. you should of had spencer surprise her. hurry and pms

    4. Oh hell NO! I just caught up on “Past Revisted” and this one. I can’t believe Ashley is willing to jeopardize her relationship with Spencer with another woman…mainly Kelly. I know Spencer shouldn’t have cut Ashley out of her life but there is no reason for infidelity. You don’t do that to your wife…no matter what the reason. Spencer started acting strangely that day Aiden showed up at the bookstore. I think Spencer may have some fear that she’s not willing to communicate at the moment. Anyway, Ashley is on my shit list right now… Please don’t make us wait any longer for an update…

    5. NO!!!!! VERY BAD ASHLEY! Spencer doesn’t show you some attention so that makes you cheat on her. Did you ever think that maybe she’s just busy at home with your daughter? No one is better than Spencer. When will you realize that? Or I could be wrong and Spencer could be up to no good too at home but I doubt it. What was Ashley thinking? Oh who am I kidding? I love the drama. I’m glad you’re back with this story.

    6. ok, so im so glad u updated… but wat the hell???? y? wats up with spence an wat was with ashley being more into kelly than spence.. cuz.. nuh uh, i understand being pissed an having it be a comfort thing only… but comparing them an finding kelly better… dont really like that… post soon, i really have to know wats up

    7. ok it took me 3hrs to read all the chapter from the begining of this story. i can’t believe that you had ashley cheating with kelly, i undestand that she didn’t talk to spencer but that gibes her no right. i hope that she realize that she f!@ked up. you should of had spencer surprise her. hurry and pms

    8. Oh hell NO! I just caught up on “Past Revisted” and this one. I can’t believe Ashley is willing to jeopardize her relationship with Spencer with another woman…mainly Kelly. I know Spencer shouldn’t have cut Ashley out of her life but there is no reason for infidelity. You don’t do that to your wife…no matter what the reason. Spencer started acting strangely that day Aiden showed up at the bookstore. I think Spencer may have some fear that she’s not willing to communicate at the moment. Anyway, Ashley is on my shit list right now… Please don’t make us wait any longer for an update…

    9. Ok…so! I’m like a die-hard Kelly fan and I love Spashly! I usually get mad when people ass a third peerson to spashly… but I gotta say I FREAKIN LOVE THIS!!! Kelly and Ashley are soooo hot together! if it were anyone else I would say nooo BAD Ashley! but I just Freakin love kelly! so I’m all for them together! PLEASE POST MORE SOON!!!!!!

    10. Ok…so! I’m like a die-hard Kelly fan and I love Spashly! I usually get mad when people ass a third peerson to spashly… but I gotta say I FREAKIN LOVE THIS!!! Kelly and Ashley are soooo hot together! if it were anyone else I would say nooo BAD Ashley! but I just Freakin love kelly! so I’m all for them together! PLEASE POST MORE SOON!!!!!!

    11. *sighs* Ashley, Ashley… does she not understand the word “committment”? Does she not realize that even though you may be attracted to other people, you are not supposed to go for it?! Committment doesn’t mean that you are blind, it means that you choose whole package (love and hot sex with Spencer together!) over just random hot sex. Oh Ashley, you know Spencer deserves better… great update.

    12. *sighs* Ashley, Ashley… does she not understand the word “committment”? Does she not realize that even though you may be attracted to other people, you are not supposed to go for it?! Committment doesn’t mean that you are blind, it means that you choose whole package (love and hot sex with Spencer together!) over just random hot sex. Oh Ashley, you know Spencer deserves better… great update.

    13. Ok I totally agree with everyone in the department of “what the hell Ashley”. But what is Spencer doing not talking to her wife for three weeks, she talks to her PA but not her, not even to tell her how her daughter is doing. Maybe she is busy but a 5min call is never too much to ask for! Anyway thanks for posting, looking foward to more!

    14. Ok I totally agree with everyone in the department of “what the hell Ashley”. But what is Spencer doing not talking to her wife for three weeks, she talks to her PA but not her, not even to tell her how her daughter is doing. Maybe she is busy but a 5min call is never too much to ask for! Anyway thanks for posting, looking foward to more!

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