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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 17-Here Comes The Bride…oops…Brides)

    “Oh my god! Madison have you seen my shoes?!”


    Madison came running into my room, “Ash, calm down. Your shoes are right here,” She leaned down and pulled them from under the bed, “See.”


    I breathed in a sigh of relief, “Oh.”


    I was getting married today. Spencer and I were walking down the aisle in just a few hours. Madison was my maid of honor. She and I had spent the night at my mom’s house so that Spencer could have our house all to herself. I couldn’t help but be nervous and excited all at the same time. My mother had finally come around and we were acting much more like mother and daughter.




    I looked up to see my mother standing in my doorway, “Yeah, mom?”


    “You have another guest. She just arrived.”


    “Another guest?”


    My mother smiled, “I think you’re going to be surprised to see her.” My mother took a step to her left and there standing behind her was Kyla.


    “Oh my god! Kyla?!” I began running towards her.


    “Hey Ash!” She wrapped me up in a big hug.


    It had been years since we had seen one another. Last time I had checked she was a drama teacher at a school back in Baltimore. I had not spoken to her since we graduated. So when my mother said that I would be surprised to see her she couldn’t have been more right, “When did you get in?”


    Kyla slowly pulled out of our hug, “Yesterday. You’re mom called me and told me the great news. So, you and Spencer finally made it work huh?”


    I nodded in excitement, “Uh huh. She’s gonna be beyond excited to see you.”


    “Yeah, I know.”


    I noticed Kyla’s eyes spot Madison behind me, “Yeah, Madison’s here.”


    “That’s Madison?” Kyla walked all the way into the room, “Hey Madison.”


    Madison turned around with a wide smile on her face, “Hi Kyla. How are you?”


    “I’m good. And you?”


    Madison laid out our dresses, “I’m doing really well.”


    “That’s great.”


    The tension between the two of them was still as thick as it was back in high school. I finally decided to try and cut it, “So, why don’t we start getting ready? It’s going to take a couple of hours for everything so we should get started now.”

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    1. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    2. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    3. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    4. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

    5. Awww it was beautiful. I love the way you write. Wonderful update. Ashley is so wonderful to have sung for spencer on there wedding day. Hopefully kelly doesnt try to start any shit. PMS

    6. Awwww… Loved it. I was bracing myself when they asked if anyone had any objections. I was like…please objections… but beautiful…beautiful to see their love blossom….PMS

    7. awwwww!!!! that was the best bit of spashley fluff EVER! i was kind of expecting aiden to show up at the wedding and object or kelly clarkson hahahaha. but nope! you kept it all spashley. and i LOVED it! amazing.

    8. Just for those of you who know, this story is not over. That was just a nice ending to a bittersweet chapter. I have big plans for Spencer and Ashley after the marriage.

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