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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 18-Oh Baby Baby)

    “Ashley!! Come back to bed!!”


    “Hold on Spence!” I was in the kitchen grabbing the carton of ice cream. Spencer and I had been in bed since our wedding night. Which meant that tonight marked the 48 hour mark. I was starving. Spencer just never seemed to stop these days. But who was I to complain?


    I walked back into the bedroom carrying the carton of ice cream and two spoons, “Miss me?”


    Spencer sat up at the sight of the ice cream, “Mmm, you brought back ice cream? Maybe you should get out of bed more often.”


    “Ha ha…here,” I handed her a spoon. “It’s you’re fave, chocolate chip cookie dough.”


    Spencer stuck her spoon down into the carton, “Mmm…I think that loving you more everyday is very, very possible.”


    “Well I’m glad, because I’m going to be loving you more everyday.” I said taking a bite of ice cream.


    “Aww…” Spencer leaned into me for a sticky, sugary kiss. Then she dug into the ice cream again, “Ash, what day is it?”


    “Well, let’s see, we had our wedding on a Saturday and it’s been two days and three nights…so tonight is Monday night.”


    “Monday night?!”


    “Yeah, why? What’s wrong?”


    “Nothing,” Spencer shook her head, “I just have some deadlines to make.”




    “Yeah, you know that book I’ve been working on?”


    I suddenly had a flashback to always seeing Spencer at her computer, “The one that you never let me read?”


    “Yeah, that one.”


    “What about it?’


    “I have to finish up the last few chapters because I have an interview with a publisher.”


    “That’s great Spence.” I tried to sound as enthused as I could.


    Spencer put her spoon into the carton, “Ash, what’s wrong?”


    “I just…I wish you would let me read it, that’s all.”


    “I can’t right now. Not until it’s finished.”


    I figured that she chose to wait until it was done because she didn’t want to lose her groove, “Alright.”


    Safe to say our honeymoon was very well spent. Sure we spent it at home but it was still all worth it. The next day I was back in the studio finishing up the last few details about my album. I had to choose album art and I also had a photo shoot scheduled. Madison loved bossing me around. But after all, that’s what I paid her for.

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    1. i bet she done found aidens name! ewww no more aiden babies…although that’d be one hot kid. mmhmm haha! aww im sad this story’s gonna be over soon :-(

    2. i bet she done found aidens name! ewww no more aiden babies…although that’d be one hot kid. mmhmm haha! aww im sad this story’s gonna be over soon :-(

    3. hahahaha…you werent kidding when u told me that it was a good post! lol I love it…as usual lol but DUDE you have to PMS please im begging you…consider it a getting over monika present from you to me :D PMS-Tiff

    4. hahahaha…you werent kidding when u told me that it was a good post! lol I love it…as usual lol but DUDE you have to PMS please im begging you…consider it a getting over monika present from you to me :D PMS-Tiff

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