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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 8-Long Weekend)

    I felt a hand run through my hair. I could feel her close. Then I felt lips on my own and I woke up. There she was, staring right back at me with a smile on her face, “That was a nice way to wake up.”


    “I figured you’d like it. I also figured that you’d like this.” Spencer picked up a tray, breakfast in bed.


    “Spencer, you didn’t have to do this.”


    She sat the tray on my lap, “No I didn’t, but I wanted to.”


    “Mmm…French toast, Spence I still can’t believe you can cook now.”


    “You’ll believe it more when you take your first bite of the French toast.” She joked.


    I sliced into the toast and took my first bite. She was right. It was absolutely delicious, “Oh my god, I think I’m having an orgasm in my mouth.”


    Spencer laughed, “See, I told you.” She cuddled up closer to me, “So, I was thinking maybe we could go to the park today or something.”


    “Not a bad idea. We do need to get out of the house.”


    “Yeah, our whole ‘go to a movie’ plan didn’t really work.”


    “Definitely not.” I finished off my French toast.


    Spencer seemed to not be able to stop smiling, “But I didn’t hate it.”


    I laughed harder, “If you did, I’d call a rematch.”


    Spencer turned her head a little bit more to face me completely with a devilish look on her face.


    My libido was screaming yes but we had already spent the past two days inside doing nothing but rematches. So I let my mind actually overrule this time, “Don’t think about it Spence. We need to get outside. We’ve been inside for two days now. A little sunlight won’t do us harm. Plus let’s face it, there’s always time for rematches when the sun goes down.”


    “So, rematch?”


    I got up out of the bed and walked towards my closet, “Later…much, much later.”


    Spencer came up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist, “Even if I do this.” She stared nibbling and kissing my ear lobe.


    My breathing quickened and my body seemed to instantly warm in all the right areas. Her hands started to roam freely throughout my abdomen. My hands automatically found the doorway as if I had to steady myself. I slowly whispered her name, “Spencer…”

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    1. awww my god i loved it! hehe i tell you what, i would LOVE to be woken up like THAT in the morning before going out LOL… it was so cute i love these two, and i looove how you portray them :D PMS Pleeease

    2. awww my god i loved it! hehe i tell you what, i would LOVE to be woken up like THAT in the morning before going out LOL… it was so cute i love these two, and i looove how you portray them :D PMS Pleeease

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