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    Past Revisited – (Chapter: 9-Romancing the Spencer)

    I opened the door to my apartment, “Honey…I’m home!” I knew it was cheesy but I couldn’t resist.


    “I’m in here.”


    I put my purse down on the glass coffee table and walked to the kitchen, “Hey, what are you doing in here?”




    I walked up behind her as she mixed ingredients and wrapped my arms around her, placing a kiss on her cheek, “Aww…my little Miss Easy-Bake.”


    “I was in the mood for something sweet.”


    “You’re telling me that I’m not sweet enough for you so you’re trading me up for baked goods?”


    “You’re in a really good mood today.”


    “You noticed that huh?”


    She shot me a smile, “Just a little.”


    “Well, what can I say? I have a wonderful job. A record-shattering artist that’s about to release a new album and a new song, which I wrote. And a cute girl standing in my kitchen, baking. Could I ask for anything else?”


    “I could ask for a kiss.”


    Spencer turned around and I gave her what she asked for. When her oven-mitt covered hand came up behind my neck I couldn’t help but relish the moment even more. I pulled away and then lightly kissed her on the nose, “Now, what kind of sweets are we having?”


    Spencer nodded, “Brownies, ice cream, and chocolate syrup.”


    “Chocolate syrup…be still my heart.”


    “Oh no, no, no, we’re not bringing food into the bedroom.”


    “Uh huh…that’s what you say now, but just wait until I break out some strawberries, sugar, and chocolate syrup.” I wiggled my eyebrows.


    “You are something else. Here, taste.” She held a chocolate covered spoon up to my mouth.


    I stuck my tongue out, licking the chocolate off. I noticed Spencer was watching me, so I got into it. I felt her body tighten and her breathing slow just a little. She started to pull the spoon away from my mouth so I gave her a chocolate filled kiss. She turned around, throwing the spoon and the oven-mitts on the counter, and wrapping her arms around my neck. I pulled her hips closer to my own. My tongue explored her mouth freely, taking in all that she was and the chocolate to go along with it. As our lips closed off another kiss Spencer’s teeth gently held on to my bottom lip for a split second. I managed to take off the jacket I was wearing. Spencer ran her hands over my now bare shoulders and then found the buttons at the front of my vest. Just as my vest hit the linoleum floor the oven dinged and I couldn’t help but stop and laugh.

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    1. THAT WAS SOOO CUTE!!! I love the way that Ashley and Spencer are with each other in this story. I hope the next one will be EXCITING!!!! PMS and I can’t believe that you left us with a cliff hanger!!!

    2. THAT WAS SOOO CUTE!!! I love the way that Ashley and Spencer are with each other in this story. I hope the next one will be EXCITING!!!! PMS and I can’t believe that you left us with a cliff hanger!!!

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