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    People,places and messed up mysteries – (Chapter: Continued Confusion)

    Ah, lunch time. A time where all cliques split themselves up from the world to discuss matters of “importance”……not the sarcasm on importance.

    All around me jocks slap each other on the ass and brag about how many baskets they scored or how many girls are “so into them”, cheerleaders drool over the jocks and stare attentively as the queen cheer bitch talks…..quite possibly hoping she doesn’t use any big words, their little minds don’t understand anything other than lip-gloss and boys, then there’s the various other groups -mods, punks, rockers, Metal heads etc, who all enjoy glaring each other while stating which bands are copying which……oh the fun.

    Then of course there’s me. Now’s probably a good time to mention the fact that I don’t like cliques.

    I’m not in one, I don’t want to be in one, thanks for asking.

    I like to be left alone. Just me, my ipod and my half chewed sandwich….good times.

    But today is different, rather than sitting at the far corner of the quad away from the insistence noise of the half brained teens, immersed in my music and stale sandwich, I am slouched on the bench watching what seems like a lunchtime pantomime play out.

    Unconsciously I begin to assign roles to what I believe are fitting entities.

    The Joker, has to be Martin…..possibly the least funny class joker I’ve ever seen, Servants, has to be the cheer squad who look up to the queen of the cheer bitches aka Madison like she is a gift from god….just …no.

    And last of all the dashing prince and fair princess. Aiden of course. Basketball star ,muscle bound, knuckle head, leader of the jocks and what seems like every girl at King’s dream guy, and then last but not least Ashley. Rich beyond your wildest dreams, body to die for, every gut at King’s dream girl Ashley.

    I glance at each and every one of my so called “cast” as I reel their names off in my head, finally reaching Ashley who looks directly at me.

    She has her arms locked tightly around Aiden’s waist, her head resting on his puffed out chest and as our eyes meet, her lips grow into that smirk I know all to well before she paws at his face, pulling him into an all to obvious and intense kiss. Real subtle Ashley.

    She pulls away to the sounds of the other jocks wolf whistling and chanting Aiden’s name like some strange mantra, and he rests his head next to her ear to whisper something unreadable, which makes her grin a little wider. Through all this she keeps her eyes locked with mine before giving me a wink and pulling Aiden away to some unknown location.

    This is turning out to be one fucked up pantomime.




    1. so Ashley likes Spencer, and I think Spencer likes Ashley (not to sure on that one) and Ashley is trying to make Spencer jealous? cause she likes her right? or she could be a real bitch. im not sure yet.

    2. so Ashley likes Spencer, and I think Spencer likes Ashley (not to sure on that one) and Ashley is trying to make Spencer jealous? cause she likes her right? or she could be a real bitch. im not sure yet.

    3. i agree with taymm15 that’s how it sounds, i like how ashley makes spence nervous and all she did was like look at her and than kisses aiden yea that was a good way though pms

    4. i agree with taymm15 that’s how it sounds, i like how ashley makes spence nervous and all she did was like look at her and than kisses aiden yea that was a good way though pms

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