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    Phoenix – (Chapter: Here we are revisiting)

    15, 14, `13, 12, 11 – The pressure was on, the score tied 88 to 88. They were playing overtime. Sweat dripped down to her eye, she wiped it away and in that same second jumped to catch the rebounded ball. The crowd roared as she dribbled down the court knowing full well she was about to win the game for the team. “Phoenix! Phoenix! Phoenix!” The King supporters chanted for her, she tuned them out and zeroed in on the basket. Time was running out, adrenalin pumped through her veins, she pushed her tired legs hard, running as fast as she could. Approaching the goal, she jumped up releasing the ball from her grasp. Time slowed down, her eyes obsessively watched the orange ball go through the hoop. The buzzard sounded and she landed on the court. A mili second later she was bombarded by her teammates. 

    “Phoenix! Phoenix! Phoenix!” Everyone continued to shout as she was lifted onto a broad shoulder. She lifted her arms up in victory, her vibrant blue eyes scanning the crowd’s faces. Everyone looked at her with admiration and joy. She was the star player on an all boys basketball team and they loved her. 

    “You guys will never witness King’s defeat!” Spencer smiled at the crowd’s loud applause, she loved getting them all rallied up. Being placed back down on the ground, she spent the next 20 minutes greeting people, taking pictures, and giving little kids her autograph. Team members also approached her, giving her a high five or a pat on the back. 

    “Phoenix!” Aiden Dennison playfully howled walking up beside her. “You were on fire tonight! We would have lost if it wasn’t for you catching that rebound. You’re a hero.” 

    “We’re all heroes.” She replied nonchalantly, losing count of the King Games she had won for the team. It stopped being such a big deal after the first couple of years. Spencer had been playing basketball almost all of her life. Growing up with her twin brother Glen, it was their favorite activity to do together. It wasn’t until 7th grade that she began playing on a team. Luckily her father Arthur was good friends with the coach. After watching her play one day after school with the guys, he decided to remove her from the girl’s team and let her play with the big boys.  

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    1. definitly like where this is going, so spencer is dating a gay aiden for show and what ashley is dating spencer’s brother glen…that does make it complicated not to mention the drugs ash is taking hopefully she’ll get clean.

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