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    Please Tell Me You Didn't

    Please Tell Me You Didn’t




    24th December 2009

    “Put your back into it Spencer!” Ashley screamed as bristles scratched her face.  The Leyland Cypress fir tree that was pinning her to the wall, while her long time girlfriend Spencer Carlin kneeling on the floor between her legs.


    When Ashley had been erecting the tree, the house phone had begun to ring, which took away her concentration for a mere second or to. As she had tried to reach out to the side table while holding the semi erect tree, it had pushed back, forcing her against the wall.

    Not being able to reach the phone the caller was sent to leave a voice message and with Ashley being stuck she was forced to listen to said voice message that was currently being left by Spencer. Spencer was calling to announce her arrival. The news made Ashley groan in frustration.

    Now Spencer coming home would either mean Ashley would die of embarrassment as her girlfriend cried with laughter or Spencer would see her distress and come to her immediate aid. Though she preferred the latter, it was more than likely going to be the former.

    And she was right. The moment Spencer saw her girlfriend pinned by the 9 foot tree she had personally selected from the tree farm; she nearly dropped the box in her arms. Quickly setting the box down on the floor near the door, Spencer walked to her girlfriend’s aid. Spencer’s eyes glistened with unshed tears, which had built up from her holding back her amusement.

    “Baby, are you…are you okay?” Spencer giggled; her hand was covering her wide grin. She was well aware that Ashley hated being teased. Embarrassment was Ashley’s second worse fear, the first obviously being losing Spencer.  

    “Spencer this isn’t funny!” The trapped woman growled. She could feel her cheeks heating up, who honestly likes being laughed at? Exactly, everyone prefers to be the one laughing.

    Though Spencer continued to laugh, she had started looking around the tree. She was looking for the easiest way of moving it off and away from her girlfriend. Firstly she tried to pull the tree away, but that was proving to be harder than she had previously thought.

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