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    Practice – (Chapter: Bitch Please)

    I give him a confused expression. Rather than elaborating he steps into the kitchen, revealing a tall red head. My jaw drops, instantly realizing who it is. She speaks before I have a chance. "Spencer… Uh…. I…" With a sigh she shuts her mouth."Marissa." I say, before I throw myself into her arms.





    I let out a deep frustrated sigh.

    How the hell did our night alone turn into this?

    "Riss, take another shot with me!"

    Spencer passes the girl a shot. I watch as the red head downs the shot, quickly using her beer as a chaser.


    Spencer screams something, although I’m not quite sure what. Before I know what’s happening she’s gripping my hand, pulling me along… and of course the skank isn’t too far behind.

    Now I know what you’re thinking.

    Probably something along the lines of you barely know the girl, give the lady a chance.

    And you know what I say to that?

    I say fuck that!

    Yes, I’ve known the skank for less than four hours but within those hours she’s managed to earn herself a permanent position on the people I’d like to kill list.

    I’m not exactly sure what it was. I mean there’s a list of things she’s done.

    What? What’d you say? You wanna hear the list.

    Okay, okay, since you asked, here we go.

    It started with the hug, the hug that lasted way too long if you ask me. A simple five second hug woulda done the job, but noooooo. That wasn’t good enough for the whore. She had to wrap her arms around Spencer’s waist, and come pretty damn close to gripping her ass. No! That ass, that fucking nice perky ass belongs to me. Me! Ashley Davies!

    Oh, you think I’m exaggerating? Fine, here you go. Somebody turn off the lights and take ‘em back.

    Clay is in the door way, looking at Spencer and I, an embarrassed look covering his face.


    "Hey, we were just about to come back…"

    Spencer trails off, face still flushed from… well some people would say embarrassment, but I say the Davies charm has still got a hold of her.

    He breaks another awkward moment by saying;

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    1. Awesome update! “Let the games begin!” I can’t wait to see what happens next! You wrote the tension and comedy of the situation so well! Thank you for not giving up on this story! I’m with “thingsleftunsaid” looking forward to a smack down. Ashley will kick Marissa’s ass all the way back to hell where she devil came from! PMS

    2. Awesome update! “Let the games begin!” I can’t wait to see what happens next! You wrote the tension and comedy of the situation so well! Thank you for not giving up on this story! I’m with “thingsleftunsaid” looking forward to a smack down. Ashley will kick Marissa’s ass all the way back to hell where she devil came from! PMS

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