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    Practice – (Chapter: Decisions)

    My jaw drops in shock. "No way! He’s one of the best lawyers in LA!" "Yes, go talk to him." My sour mood shifts as I remove my jacket and place it on the back of my chair. My mood shift lasts for all of ten seconds as I spin around I spot Ashley, a laughing brunette occupying her lap. Oh, hell no.




    The brunette continues laugh, quite loudly if you ask me. I inwardly cringe as I think of her name.








    A disgusted noise leaves the back of my throat. I feel my mother’s eyes inspecting me.








    Dianne reaches out her hand, pushing some hair out of Ashley’s face. Ashley smiles, at her. At Dianne. She wraps an arm around her waist. Dianne’s waist.




    She feels my eyes on her, I can tell. She’s trying not to look my way. I spin on my heel as an older man’s voice addresses me.




    I turn into lawyer Spencer, smiling brightly at the tall black man.




    "Bradley, I was looking for you."




    He smiles at me, reaches out and pulls me into a comfortable hug.




    The lights around us dim.




    "Come, sit with me."



    I nod my head and go willingly. He leads me in the direction I had been previously staring in.




    The seats are in alphabetical order, but before I realize this I’m already seated in the spare seat between Ashley Davies, and Bradley Davis.




    My eyes flow around the table.




    No Dianne




    I glance in Ashley’s direction. She’s already looking at me, just as I had suspected. She smiles a full tooth smile. I try to smile back, but it turns into more of a disappointed frown.




    The lights dim even more, an older woman takes the stage. A loud applause fills the room; I lean back into my chair and watch as she begins to speak.




    Her words surround me but they do not penetrate my mind. I sit staring in the direction of the woman, watching her roam the stage. Every so often I lean towards Bradley taking in his quirky comments.

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    1. That’s like giving a starving cat i bit of steak and then eating the rest in front of it! Just plain wrong and mean! LoL…sorry i got emotional. Thanks for the sliver of Spencer’s past…i just want more! PMS!

    2. That’s like giving a starving cat i bit of steak and then eating the rest in front of it! Just plain wrong and mean! LoL…sorry i got emotional. Thanks for the sliver of Spencer’s past…i just want more! PMS!

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