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    Practice – (Chapter: Foolish Mistakes)








    He awkwardly nods and takes a few steps towards me, stumbling along the way. I give him a curious look as he regains his balance.




    "Where’s my dad?"




    He stares at me for a moment before laughing and taking a step to the side, revealing an obviously passed Arthur. The nearly empty bottle of gin rest by his head, which is laying flat against the hardwood table top.




    The feeling in my gut eases up; I turn my attention back to Ben.




    "New car?"



    He shakes his head giving me a positive response.




    "Got a good deal on it."



    I nod my head awkwardly, wondering why he’s here. Instead of wasting anymore time I ask the question that’s on my mind.




    "Why are you here?"




    For a moment he fidgets with his hands nervously.




    "I… I came to talk to your father, but he was like this when I got here." He says this while pointing in the direction of dear old dad.




    I nod in understanding. He takes a small step in my direction, letting out a deep breath. This gives me the opportunity to smell the poison lacing his breath.




    Can my day get any better? Now I have to deal with not one, but two alcoholic idiots.




    I figure it’s best to find out what’s wrong with him rather than just throwing him out on his ass.




    "What’d you need to talk to him about?"




    A big smile covers his face. I inwardly cringe. I’ve known him for a huge part of my life, but for some reason his smile makes my skin crawl in disgust.




    "Your mother."



    I motion for him to follow me. We end up in the living, on the large leather couch, a good four feet separating us. Before giving him my attention I prop my feet up on the small glass table, reluctantly I turn to him.




    "So what’s up?"

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    1. Oohh, shit. I know where this is going. Elbow that mutherfucker in the throat or nose. Please don’t do what I know he is gonna do. This is not good for Spencer to go back into her memories.

    2. Oohh, shit. I know where this is going. Elbow that mutherfucker in the throat or nose. Please don’t do what I know he is gonna do. This is not good for Spencer to go back into her memories.

    3. So now that i’ve read the chapter i’m about to go ape shit on this dude! Hopefully you’ve got another chapter prepared cause i’m on need of one! PMS!

    4. So now that i’ve read the chapter i’m about to go ape shit on this dude! Hopefully you’ve got another chapter prepared cause i’m on need of one! PMS!

    5. So i havent even read this yet, but i just became even more devoted to you cause Paramore is my fav band! And they’re new album is freaking amazing! I was going to warped tour just to see them, but now i have a mandatory rugby fitness camp/team bonding thing i have to go to. But i so LOVE Paramore!

    6. So i havent even read this yet, but i just became even more devoted to you cause Paramore is my fav band! And they’re new album is freaking amazing! I was going to warped tour just to see them, but now i have a mandatory rugby fitness camp/team bonding thing i have to go to. But i so LOVE Paramore!

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