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    Practice – (Chapter: I’ve Got It Confused)




    You quickly make your way back to the stairs, cookie still clasped between your fingertips. Then it happens, the light comes. You hear the flick of the switch, you’ve been caught!




    You move back down the steps, away from the hallway light. Your heart is beating, fast. You want your cookie; don’t want it to be snatched away from you by your mother, or even worse your father.




    The light fades, and you wonder why no one has trudged down the steps. It’s not safe; your heart is beating rapidly. You know whoever has just hit the switch is still occupying the hall. You bring your small hands to your chest, cradling your cookie in fear.




    You wait for a few seconds before pulling your hands away from your chest and to your mouth, biting down on a piece. You savor the chocolaty sugar filled treat; you want to get as much of it as you can before it’s taken from you.




    Then you hear it, footsteps descending down the stairs. You munch on your cookie fast, but still making sure your taste buds savor all of the sweetness. You feel a hand on your shoulder, your first thought is dad, but then you realize the hand is too small.




    You spin on your heel and in the dim light of the moon you realize who it is. Not mom, not dad, it’s Clay. You smile a bright smile, the fear washes away, and your heart begins to beat normally. You feel empty now that the fear is gone, but you don’t let him know that.




    He gives you a shy smile, still not one hundred percent comfortable in this environment.




    You reach out one of your small hands and offer him the last piece of your cookie. He looks down, smiling and accepting the small round cookie. He pulls off a piece and hands the rest back to you.




    You sit down on the steps, grabbing his arm pulling him next to you. In silence you devour the final pieces of the cookie. When it’s gone you look over at him, he licks his lips.


    1. An intruiging story, very well written. I have not read you other chapters, but the take is quite interesting. This chapter felt more like something I’d read in a book than something I’d find on a Fan Fiction site. Extremely good job.

    2. An intruiging story, very well written. I have not read you other chapters, but the take is quite interesting. This chapter felt more like something I’d read in a book than something I’d find on a Fan Fiction site. Extremely good job.

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