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    Practice – (Chapter: I’ve Got It Confused)




    "I like it here." He says.



    You nod and smile at his words, because you agree with him.




    "Yeah, me too."







    That was the truth; I liked it there at that time. I was too young to realize what was going on behind closed doors, and I wouldn’t learn the truth for years to come, but during those ignorant years I would once again battle with fear, now these fears feel small and stupid, but then, in the moment the thump of my heart is the only thing that mattered.






    This time you’re sneaking up the stairs. You’re sixteen years old and its three o’clock in the morning. You know your parents are dead asleep, and have no clue about where you’ve been, or that you’ve even left.




    But that doesn’t matter; your heart is pounding furiously because it’s not just you. No, you’re not the only one sneaking up those steps. This time you’ve brought a friend, and your friend has brought another friend.




    When you reach the top of the stairs you find her hand in the darkness, silently leading her to your bedroom. Along the way you pass your parents door, you slow down as you pass knowing the slightest creak could wake the two of them.




    When you reach the outside of your door, you turn the knob slowly. You push the door open, allowing your companion to slip inside first.




    Your both in the room now, the door is locked securely. She makes her way to you; you’re still facing the door. Twisting the knob just to be sure, you can’t take any chances.




    She doesn’t care, doesn’t care if your parents walk in and find her. She wants it, wants to be with you. You know this, because you feel it, because she’s told you this a million times before.




    You feel her arms around your waist, her lips on your neck. You lean into her touch, you want it, bad. A groan escapes your lips as she pulls away from you, you call out to her.


    1. An intruiging story, very well written. I have not read you other chapters, but the take is quite interesting. This chapter felt more like something I’d read in a book than something I’d find on a Fan Fiction site. Extremely good job.

    2. An intruiging story, very well written. I have not read you other chapters, but the take is quite interesting. This chapter felt more like something I’d read in a book than something I’d find on a Fan Fiction site. Extremely good job.

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