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    Practice – (Chapter: Let’s Pretend What We Feel Isn’t Real)




    "No I don’t."



    "Yes you do, you really, really like her."



    I swat him on the forearm, moving closer and dropping to a whisper.



    "I don’t fucking like her, and please be a little louder. I don’t think the people outside heard you."



    He takes my cue and drops to a quieter pitch.



    "So when did you fuck her?"



    Once again I swat his, a bit harder this time.



    "I didn’t…"




    "But you had the opportunity, didn’t you?"



    "Well yes, but-"



    A small chuckle flows around me.



    "You must like her if you had the chance and didn’t go for it."



    "Just because I didn’t fuck her doesn’t mean I like her. What am I supposed to fuck every lesbian I know?"



    He eyebrow roll up in pleasure.



    "That would be ideal."



    "Jesus Christ, I really need new friends."



    "No, you really need to hit that. I can’t remember a time when you turned a girl that hot. It makes no sense. Why would you-."



    He stops short; my face reddens as I feel him put the pieces together.



    "Unless you didn’t want her to see…"



    I take a step away from Aiden, putting distance between us. Hoping he’ll take the hint and drop the subject. I watch out of the corner of my eye as his mouth opens again.



    "Spencer, hi!"



    For the first time in forever I smile at the sound of my mother’s voice.



    "Aiden, it’s so nice to see you. It’s been too long."



    She leans in and wraps the both of us in a tight hug; she steps back and continues addressing Aiden.



    "I heard you finally broke it off with Madison."



    He nods his head and speaks in his innocent voice.



    "Yes, yes. It’s a shame she and I couldn’t see eye to eye on things. Now the twins are going to have a harder time with things."



    "Yes that’s true, but you can’t make a relationship work if the other person doesn’t try. You’ll be okay without her…. There are a lot of beautiful female doctors here tonight. Maybe you’ll find someone new, who won’t suck up all of your money."

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    1. Well…I am now curious to see what secret Spencer has that she can’t let Ashley find out….And by the way….I loved the fact that her mom introduced Ashley to Diane because now…it’s going to be so good…cause Diane and Ashley will hang out…Spencer will seethe in the background and it will be hilarious and oh so good…awesome post..can’t wait to read more..PMS..ASAP

    2. Ashley will see…what? You were supposed to finish that sentence. Spencer’s got secrets, juicy ones. Ashley probably does too. Dianne needs to step off though. Ashley is Spencer’s, whether she admits it or not.

    3. hmmm i am extememly curious as to what spencer has that she doesnt want ashley to see…hmmm maybe is has something to do with why shes not dating docters???lol anyway PMS

    4. Paula cracks me up in this story…there are WAY too many mom’s like that! And you gave me that little bit of what’s wrong with Spence and then like yanked it away! She’s obviously been hurt and is scarred from it, but what happened? And i like the addition of Diane to make Spencer step her game up. Hopefully you’ll keep revealing Spencer’s past a bit. Loved the update and so looking forward to the next one! PMS!

    5. Spencer changed the sex right !? it has to be…the boys name…don’t date doctor thing…maybe i’m wrong but it’s very suspicious lolGreat fic =)

    6. Well…I am now curious to see what secret Spencer has that she can’t let Ashley find out….And by the way….I loved the fact that her mom introduced Ashley to Diane because now…it’s going to be so good…cause Diane and Ashley will hang out…Spencer will seethe in the background and it will be hilarious and oh so good…awesome post..can’t wait to read more..PMS..ASAP

    7. Ashley will see…what? You were supposed to finish that sentence. Spencer’s got secrets, juicy ones. Ashley probably does too. Dianne needs to step off though. Ashley is Spencer’s, whether she admits it or not.

    8. hmmm i am extememly curious as to what spencer has that she doesnt want ashley to see…hmmm maybe is has something to do with why shes not dating docters???lol anyway PMS

    9. Paula cracks me up in this story…there are WAY too many mom’s like that! And you gave me that little bit of what’s wrong with Spence and then like yanked it away! She’s obviously been hurt and is scarred from it, but what happened? And i like the addition of Diane to make Spencer step her game up. Hopefully you’ll keep revealing Spencer’s past a bit. Loved the update and so looking forward to the next one! PMS!

    10. Spencer changed the sex right !? it has to be…the boys name…don’t date doctor thing…maybe i’m wrong but it’s very suspicious lolGreat fic =)

    11. I love this fic’ me mum is not exactly like Paula, but for a while there when she found out I was gay and she was like okay with it, she did try to hook me up w/some chicks of her friends. It was too funny. I bet Spence is either a ‘cutter’ or cut herself or something. But, I’d rather wait to read it from ya mate…so, ta…cheers.

    12. I love this fic’ me mum is not exactly like Paula, but for a while there when she found out I was gay and she was like okay with it, she did try to hook me up w/some chicks of her friends. It was too funny. I bet Spence is either a ‘cutter’ or cut herself or something. But, I’d rather wait to read it from ya mate…so, ta…cheers.

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