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    Practice – (Chapter: Locked Up)




    Her eyes continue to watch me intensely, obviously looking for any kind of disgust. When she’s finds none she repeats my question.


    “Assault and resisting arrest.” I say, embarrassment flooding into my words.


    She just laughs and nods at my words.


    “What happened?”


    I clamp my eyes shut and blow out a deep breath, moving some stray strands of hair from my face.


    “This girl hit my… uh… friend, so I kinda hit her back.”


    “Kinda?” She says curiosity flows with her words.


    “Well not kinda… I hit her…. a lot. I think I broke her nose actually.”


    The tall Spanish looking woman jumps down from the top bunk laughter spilling out of her mouth. She leans her body back against the bunk beds as she looks down at me.


    “Resisting arrest? You try to run?”


    “No.” I say, shaking my head in the negative.


    “The cop pulled me off of her… Marissa, that’s her name. Then she starts shouting some shit about she’s gonna make me pay… and she said something to Spencer, my friend she hit, and I just lost it. Started swinging in every direction, and when the cop tried to cuff me I just kept swinging.”


    The nicely tanned woman lets out a series of laughs, eyes closed, probably trying to paint the picture in her mind. She opens her eyes; an amused smile covers her face. Her mouth opens as if she’s ready to speak; before she can a voice interrupts her.


    “Davies, you made bail.”


    I stand up giving my cell mate a sympathetic smile, before I walk towards the opened cell door. The second I step out I hear the metal bar crash harshly against the lock. The officer nudges me in the back urging me to move towards the exit.


    As we walk by the other cells I roll my eyes at the catcalls I receive, answering a few of them with my middle finger. The officer does nothing except laugh along with the woman’s rude comments, whistling as I walk in front of him.


    When we reach the main exit he steps in front of me, taking his time as he flips through his set of keys and unlocks the large white door. He swings the door open, leading me to the front desk. The man behind the desk slides a brown paper bag towards me, and tells me to make sure all of my belongings are in the bag.


    I carelessly empty the bag onto the desk, not bothering to look for anything but my debit card and my cell phone. I stuff the other miscellaneous items into my pockets, the officer hands me a stack of white papers and in a bored tone explains to me I might have to appear in court.


    He’s still talking about court hearing and possible fines when I walk away from him. He looks over at me shrugging his shoulders as he buzzes me out.


    I step into the main lobby, and there she is. The blonde sits in one of the cheap black chairs flipping through some teen magazine. She looks up, throwing the magazine down as she sees me.


    “What am I gonna do with you?”


    She grabs my hand pushing open the heavy door, pulling me out after her. Her car is parked only a few steps away from the main entrance, once we’re inside she starts the car and stares over at me.


    “You shouldn’t have hit her.”


    “She shouldn’t have hit my baby.” I say in response, grabbing her hand in the process.


    She shakes her head, clearly not amused.


    “This isn’t funny.” She says.


    “Well I’m not joking.” I say after a few moments of silence.


    Her features ease up for a moment. Leaning her head back against the head rest as she speaks.


    “We should go somewhere… to talk.”


    Before I can respond she pulls away from the curb. I lean back in the seat, taking in a deep breath, preparing myself for the long night ahead.

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