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    Practice – (Chapter: Marissa)

    I give you a strange looking, wondering what’s going through your head. Something about the scared look on your face makes my hands drop away, I won’t push you. You back away from the bed, heading for the door. Before you’re completely out of reach I grab your arm, spinning you around. "Then just lay with me." And you do.




    I move around the dimly lit room in search of my left shoe. A few moments pass before I spot it, lying a few feet away. Like the genius I am, I stub my toe on the side of your dresser. This causes me to let out a loud ‘fuck’. Causing you to stir in the bed just a few feet away from me.




    After I watch your figure for a moment I don’t think your going to wake. So I make a grab for the shoe and slip it on.




    My eyes drift back over to the bed, I see you. Sitting up, looking at me curiously, in all your naked glory.




    "Going somewhere?"




    I point to the clock as I speak. "Work, shoulda been there an hour ago."




    You sigh as I stand, and make my way to your side of the bed.




    "I didn’t mean to wake you."




    You shrug, smiling as you say; "I’m glad you did" You say before pulling me towards you, and pressing your lips to mine. The kiss quickly heats up; I pull away just as your hands find the bottom of my shirt.




    "I’m going to be late."




    You give me a defeated look.




    "I’ll see you tonight."




    You look confused so I elaborate.




    "My mom, the barbeque."




    "Oh, yeah…" You trail off, not looking too happy.




    "Maybe we could do something after."




    Your face lights up as you nod.




    After sharing a brief kiss, I pull away, and make my way to the door.




    "Jack and Coke."



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    1. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

    2. This is a powerful and compelling story laced with intrigue and passion so please, I beg of you, don’t abandon this story. You are one of my favorite fanfic writers. I’ll beg if I have too… son’t abandon ship! :(

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