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    Practice – (Chapter: Stitch Me Up)

    "Whose taking over after my shift?"



    "Dr. Long." The raven haired woman behind the counter gives me a genuine smile before ducking her head in search of my final patients chart.



    A few moments pass before she makes eye contact with me. "Sorry, I’m a mess."



    I shake my head at her comment. "Don’t worry about it." She nods her head and continues with her search. A soft yawn escapes me. My eyes dart to the clock located just behind the nurses station. 6:15.



    Considering the nature of my job it is still fairly early. I silently thank God for giving life to who ever created this weeks work schedule.



    "Aha!" The woman behind the counter gives me an excited grin. I smile back at her as she hands me the chart.






    "No problem. You work tomorrow as well?"



    I nod my head in the positive. "Nine to Seven."



    She smiles again. "We’re working the same shift yet again."



    "Thank God, I don’t think I could deal with Ms. Dragon breath on a Friday." We share a laugh.



    I move closer to the counter and let my hands lazily hang over the gray counter. "What time do you get off?"



    She looks back at the clock "Forty-five minutes." My fingertips run across the palm of her hand. "Wanna grab a bite to eat after your shift?"



    A small blush works it’s way across her features. The fact that I still have so much control over her makes me give her a full tooth smile.



    "You think that’s a good idea?"



    I stick out my bottom lip in a pout. "Why not? We’re just too old friends who need to catch up on old times." I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively as I continue to play with the palm of her hand.



    The blush grows a darker shade of red. She nods her head and lets out a nervous chuckle. I remove my hand from hers and take a step back. "I’ll meet you outside at seven?" She shakes her head yes as I grab the chart and take a step away from the counter.

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    1. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

    2. Yes, you definitely need to continue this. Dr. Davies and Spencer the Lawyer, certainly some potential there. I hope you decide to continue.

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