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    Preciosa – (Chapter: A Long Night Part One)

    Chapter Twenty-Three


    “Spence…do we really have to stop at the grocery store?” Ashley whined as she pulled into the parking lot of Whole Foods Market.


    “Hey I’m in charge tonight…so no complaints.” Spencer said opening her door and heading inside the store.


    Ashley let out a deep breath and locked her car heading in after the blonde.


    “So what exactly do you need to buy? I have stuff at my house.” Ashley said pushing the shopping cart along.


    “You don’t have what I’m looking for. Ah…here we go.” Spencer picked up a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate sauce.


    “Oh my god…what exactly are you planning on doing tonight?” Ashley said wrapping her arms around Spencer’s waist and kissing her neck.


    “Patience…it’s a virtue…maybe you should work on yours a little.” Spencer said kissing Ashley’s earlobe.


    “Or you can work on me for a little while…” Ashley said grabbing Spencer’s behind and squeezing.


    “You better stop that before I can’t take it anymore and we get thrown out for having sex in here.” Spencer said dislodging herself from Ashley’s arms.


    “Promises…promises…” Ashley said grinning.


    The girls got a few more items that Spencer felt were essential for their evening and headed over to Spencer’s house.




    “So I will meet you at your place around 7, ok?” Spencer said getting out of Ashley’s car.


    “Exactly 7 o’clock Spence….or else I may have to start without you.” Ashley said winking at the blonde.


    “Hey I’m the boss…so no threats.” Spencer pointed at Ashley and leaned down to give her one last kiss. She whispered into her ear, “I have some surprises for you.


    Ashley couldn’t help but smile as she watched her girlfriend walk into her house sashaying her hips just to drive the brunette crazy. As soon as the blonde was out of sight, Ashley started her engine and headed home.






    “Hello Ms….Car…lin…” Ashley opened the door to find Spencer wearing a large trench coat and a devilish smile. She walked in giving Ashley a quick kiss on her lips.


    Ashley was still looking on with astonishment at Spencer’s outfit as she followed Spencer to the kitchen.

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    1. Yay for surprises, it’s like Christmas! Heh, was that at all sacrilegious? Hot lesbian sex-christmas…oh whatever. It’s all good, just like your writing

    2. Yay for surprises, it’s like Christmas! Heh, was that at all sacrilegious? Hot lesbian sex-christmas…oh whatever. It’s all good, just like your writing

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