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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Oh…I Didn’t Know)

    Chapter Seventeen


    Ashley was waiting in the living room downstairs for Spencer to come down. She decided to pick up the phone and call Kyla.




    “Hey Ky.” Ashley said to her sister.


    “Oh my god, Ashley! How are you? I swear I didn’t know Christine would be there…I would have left had I known…I would never put you in that type of situation purposefully…I know how much she hurt you…” Kyla said quickly before she was cut off by Ashley.


    “Ky…KY! It’s ok…I know…What are you guys up to right now?”


    Kyla’s voice calmed. “Oh nothing…Why? Are you planning to stop by?”


    “Yeah…I really want you to get to know Spencer…and after last night’s fiasco I thought we could maybe try again?” Ashley asked as she saw Spencer walking down the stairs.


    “Of course…Dylan and Samuel are going to freak! Ok ok…give me like an hour to get the boys clean and dressed. I also need to get some food…wash some dishes…tidy up downstairs…ok make it two hours…”


    Ashley laughed. “Fine…we will be there in two hours…see you in a bit.”


    “Ok…bye, Ash.”


    “Bye, Ky.” Ashley hung up the phone and turned to Spencer.


    “Kyla?” Spencer asked taking a seat next to Ashley on the couch.


    Ashley nodded her head and pulled Spencer onto her lap.


    “You know…we have a couple of hours to waste…we could…” Ashley kissed Spencer’s neck.


    “Go see how Marco’s doing? What a great idea!” Spencer smiled at Ashley who looked at her with a shocked face.


    “Well no that’s not what I was going to say…I mean if you want to go see Marco we can…” Ashley said starting to pout lifting the blonde off her lap.


    “Ha! Gotcha!” Spencer cried straddling the brunette.


    “I didn’t believe you for a second!” Ashley protested.


    “You so thought I was serious!”


    “I did not! You are the worst liar you know that…I mean who taught you how to lie?” Ashley teased.


    “I could fool you easily…I mean just this morning I made you believe that you had given me the biggest orgasm in the world. See…I am THAT good at faking it.” Spencer stuck her tongue out at Ashley.

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    1. I really loved the story. I think Kyla was stupid to bring up that stuff. But It’s not her fault she’s a little nutty. Anyhow I’m really loving the story. So keep up the good work. Well PMS

    2. Kyla could be a teacher too, though her class might be called something along the lines of “How to Put Your Foot in Your Mouth 101”. As far as your writer’s block…well I’ve got nothing. Maybe because I’m not a fanfic writer myself haha, though I can totally relate to your dislike of papers; I’ve got 3 due right after spring break :P Idk, I guess I’m really interested to see how Spencer handles Ashley’s past; she seems really level-headed and understanding so far. I’m also pleasantly surprised at how accepting of their relationship everyone has been. The exception being Paula of course, but everyone else has been really good about it (ie. co-workers). Either way, this story is great and I’m sure you’ll find something to inspire you before long. Maybe one of them gets flattened by a vending machine? I heard that at least one person a year dies that way. lol, sorry, I’m totally useless at this brainstorming thing :D Wow, I think this has been my longest comment for anyone ever.

    3. I really loved the story. I think Kyla was stupid to bring up that stuff. But It’s not her fault she’s a little nutty. Anyhow I’m really loving the story. So keep up the good work. Well PMS

    4. Kyla could be a teacher too, though her class might be called something along the lines of “How to Put Your Foot in Your Mouth 101”. As far as your writer’s block…well I’ve got nothing. Maybe because I’m not a fanfic writer myself haha, though I can totally relate to your dislike of papers; I’ve got 3 due right after spring break :P Idk, I guess I’m really interested to see how Spencer handles Ashley’s past; she seems really level-headed and understanding so far. I’m also pleasantly surprised at how accepting of their relationship everyone has been. The exception being Paula of course, but everyone else has been really good about it (ie. co-workers). Either way, this story is great and I’m sure you’ll find something to inspire you before long. Maybe one of them gets flattened by a vending machine? I heard that at least one person a year dies that way. lol, sorry, I’m totally useless at this brainstorming thing :D Wow, I think this has been my longest comment for anyone ever.

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