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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Shower time anyone?)

    Chapter Nineteen


    Ashley opened her eyes to see Spencer sleeping beside her. She reached out and pushed back a piece of blonde hair that was covering Spencer’s face. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so happy. Spencer fidgeted and opened her eyes smiling at the brunette who was looking lovingly at her.


    “Good morning.” Ashley said in a soft raspy voice.


    “Morning…” Spencer yawned and stretched out her arms.


    “So…last night was a bit intense huh?”


    “It was a little…but I’m glad you told me about your past. I feel like I can understand you much better now…that and you don’t have to keep things hidden from me anymore. Do you feel like that weight is gone?”


    “Definitely. I tried to bury all of that stuff away because it just hurt too much to remember. I’m just waiting for that day that I look inside some store and see a copy of a tell-all book written by Aiden or Madison. Luckily that hasn’t happened yet.” Ashley said sighing. “Course if they did try it I would get my feisty blonde attorney to make their lives hell.” She winked at Spencer.


    “Yeah, yeah. I would have to charge you a large fee though. I don’t know if you could afford my rates. I also have very strict criteria for the clients I represent…”


    “Is that so?”


    “Oh yes, definitely. I mean an attorney has to have some standards here. I can’t just represent every Jane Doe that walks into my office and is in need.”


    “And what are these standards you have?” Ashley said straddling the blonde.


    “Hmm…well first off…they would have to be extremely hot…” Ashley kissed Spencer’s neck. “Next…they would have to be willing to take a few orders…” Spencer inhaled sharply as Ashley’s tongue circled her collarbone. “Finally…they would have to make love to me everyday whenever I wanted…” Ashley kissed Spencer on the mouth and their tongues met.


    Ashley pulled back and smiled down at Spencer. “Well I don’t think I would be comfortable with you having any other ‘clients’ than myself. Especially if the criteria you just described is what you go by…because I am definitely hot…” She kissed Spencer’s nose. “I am definitely up for taking orders…” She kissed her cheek. “And you can have me whenever you want me.” She kissed the blonde harder making her groan.

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