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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Tease)

    Chapter Twenty-Two


    “Knock, Knock.” A woman’s voice sounded through Ashley’s office. Ashley raised her head to see one of the other music professors from that morning. ‘I think her name is Sandra…


    “Good afternoon….Sa…”


    “Sandra….Sandra Dominguez.” She replied extending her hand out to Ashley.


    “I’m sorry…I know we met this morning but sometimes I’m terrible with names.” Ashley shook the woman’s hand and Sandra took a seat in the chair in front of Ashley’s desk.


    “It’s fine. I just wanted to stop by to welcome you in a more informal manner to our program. You know, Jonathan is not always as bad as he was this morning…he just has a problem with women in general so I wouldn’t take what he said personally.”


    “You don’t have to apologize for him. I’ve dealt with those issues for a good while now. He wouldn’t be the first to accuse me of using my ‘rock star’ status to get ahead. That’s completely wrong but I’ve learned to just let it slide.”


    “Well you handled him very well. I was also impressed with all the improvements you presented to the group. I really think that you have a good idea of where this program could go. I am completely on board with everything and if you need any help with the other professors…who can be a bit reluctant to change…just let me know.”


    “I really appreciate that.” Ashley said smiling.


    “So I heard your classes filled up in record time…what was it like 10 minutes?”


    “9 minutes and 30 seconds to be exact” Ashley said laughing. “I didn’t realize just how many students love music.”


    “They love you…I mean who wouldn’t take advantage of being taught by one of their idols? You definitely started up the buzz here on campus.”


    “Buzz? Really? What have you heard?” Ashley asked raising an eyebrow.


    “Well you’re a celebrity…I’m not one to gossip but some students have also been talking about you and another female professor holding hands around campus. I have no problem with that; students were just a bit surprised I guess.”


    Ashley’s mind went back to thoughts of Spencer and she smiled. “Well I’m not one to hide anything about myself but I am seeing another professor here at SCU. She’s a wonderful woman and I’m really happy right now.”

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