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    Preciosa – (Chapter: Tell Me Your Secrets…)

    Chapter Eighteen


    Spencer and Ashley got out of the car and headed towards Spencer’s front door. The two were planning to pick up some clothes for the blonde to wear for the next day at school. Spencer was a bit anxious about the “talk” that she and Ashley were going to have when they did finally arrive at the brunette’s house later that night.


    She wanted to know more about Ashley but didn’t want to push her to reveal everything. One thought that kept going through Spencer’s mind was ‘Baby…what baby? Who is this Aiden guy that Kyla said Ash had a relationship with in High School?’ She knew that Ashley had a past but never thought that her past could have consisted of a teenage pregnancy. She didn’t think any less of Ashley she just felt more of a need to comfort her. She opened the door and both girls entered the quiet house.


    “Looks like Marco awoke from the dead…” Spencer said noting her roomie’s absence from the couch. She saw a note on the kitchen counter. “Ok well he’s gone for the night…he said that he had an inspiration to paint after he woke up today. Look’s like we have the whole place to ourselves…you want to stay here tonight?”


    “Yeah…sure…You would probably be more comfortable here anyways…”Ashley sat down on the couch and waited for Spencer to join her.


    Spencer walked over to get a couple glasses of wine for Ashley and herself to help calm the nerves that were sure to be coursing through the brunette. She handed Ashley her glass as she sat on the opposite end of the couch with her knees bent underneath her. She silently drank some wine waiting for Ashley to start talking. They sat in silence for a few minutes while Ashley built up her nerve.


    “So…” Ashley began.


    “Yeah…” Spencer said with a comforting tone.


    “I guess I could start with the beginning and work from there…”


    “Whatever works for you; we have all night.” Spencer said reaching her hand out to grab Ashley’s.


    “Ok…well I was born.” Ashley said matter-of-factly causing Spencer to smile a bit.


    “You really are starting from the beginning huh?” Ashley laughed and continued.

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    1. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

    2. Well, Brandym19 brought up a very good point, I never even considered Spencer’s past. I agree with everyone else though about Ashley opening up to Spencer. It was sweet and thorough, yay! pms buddy :D

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