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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Back to yours?)

    “So, enough of relationships and work – do you still sing?” Spencer asked me as soon as we’d finished our main course.

    We’d eaten rather quickly, mainly due to not wasting too much time over talking about anything particularly pressing.  We’d kept our conversation quite light and the tension had faded pretty quickly, mainly due to the wine that was buzzing through our veins.  We were well on our way to finishing the second bottle, and were patiently waiting for our desserts to be brought to us by Guy, the waiter.  We’d even flirted with him in an attempt to gain an extra bottle of wine at no additional cost, but had failed, so quickly gave up on him.

    I felt more relaxed, and less guarded, and the short, polite small talk and pleasantries soon moved aside to be replaced with more playful flirting.  I was finally allowing myself to enjoy Spencer’s company without letting the past bring out the Mrs. Hyde to my Dr. Jekyll.

    “Sadly, not so much any more,”  I frowned, playing with the stem of my wine glass.  I truly wished the opposite was true.

    “Just in private, huh?” she asked me, a small smile gracing her lips.

    I narrowed my eyes at her.  How does she know?

    “It was nice to hear you that night I came round uninvited,” she blushed, her warm eyes meeting mine.  “Nina Simone -”

    “You heard?”

    “Yeah,” she nodded, and blushed even deeper, “when I was standing outside your door, trying to find the guts to knock.”

    I laughed gently and was surprised to see her reach out for my hand.  I obliged, and reveled in the feeling of the soft pad of her thumb gently stroking my knuckles.

    “You sound even better than you used to,” she told me softly, evoking yet another blush to pass over my cheeks.  How many times is that now tonight?

    “I guess you could say I’ve matured,” I winked, averting my gaze to our hands, where she had progressed to stroking the length of each of my fingers.  I could feel my pulse quicken, and a familiar throbbing develop deep within me.  I quickly looked up at her, away from the link between us, only for her to make me blush again.

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    1. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    2. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

    3. ohh my god. AMAZING as always. i cant wait to see what happens next. bannerman you are a saint! i told one of my friends about this story. and she started reading it and she hasnt been able to stop! she loves it juuust as much as i do!

    4. Nice update. I love how Ashley has barely any control over herself. It’s so freaking hilarious. I was in her position once, actually. We all have prolly been there once or twice before. Way to make it relate back to the reader B-mannn. :] Love it. Update soon please.

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