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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Dazed and Confused)

    By half ten we had arrived back at my flat, configured some mood lighting, put the fire on in the living room, changed into something less formal, and were hunting around in my kitchen for something to drink.  At least I was hunting for alcohol – Spencer was sifting through my iTunes library, trying to find some music.  I was looking forward to hearing her selection, as whatever she chose would certainly set the tone for the evening.  ’Hotel California’ was soon ringing out from my speakers, and I smiled.  Perfect – reminds me of LA.  I remembered my dad’s stories about growing up at the time when the Roxy and the Troubadour were the places to go on the strip, home to the rise of classic rock bands.  My dad’s stories had always fascinated me and had me riveted, although I’d realised at a young age that his own life fascinated him far more than mine ever would.

    “Good choice,” I smiled, allowing my eyes to linger on her form for a little longer than necessary.

    “Found anything yet?” she asked me, moving over to join me in my search for a palatable beverage.

    I ran her through the options – a cheap bottle of white wine I’d bought long ago and forgotten about completely, or what was left of a bottle of bourbon.  She decided on the latter and soon we were sitting side by side, cross legged on my battered old sofa, tumblers in hand.  I’d gone for classic bourbon on the rocks, and Spencer had pussied out and diluted hers with coke.  The atmosphere was so easy I was amused at how nervous I’d been about taking her back to mine.  It felt like old times, only without the sex and subsequent heartbreak.  How long’s that gonna last?

    “I’ve missed this,”  Spencer sighed, leaning her head back into the soft leather of the ancient sofa.  It’d been in my family for years, and had character, unlike most of the shit my mom filled her house with.  It was all new and uncomfortable, all aesthetics and no logic.

    “What?” I asked, stretching out a little bit, making myself more comfortable as Don Henly’s voice faded out to be replaced by Robert Plant’s.  “Been dazed and confused for long it’s not true – wanted a woman, never bargained for you”… tell me about it!

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    1. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    2. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    3. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    4. were you reading my mind? because last night i was like…ok damn i really could use an update of png! and what an update it was!! so much stuff cleared up!! but theres still that tiny matter of that bet…hmm no big right? lol WRONG! prepare for fallout. remember everyone DUCK AND COVER! i’m so excited for the next chappy!

    5. basically i agree with what everyone has said so far. and i cant wait until the next chapter. *dances* yay spenceandash. and if aiden screws this up ill castrate him, not really thats just my threat :]

    6. woah baby! wow. amazing chapter! i can’t wait until you post the next one! i have this strange feeling that ashley and spencer aren’t going to make it the rest of the week…not with that exchange in words! I guess i’ll have to wait to find out!

    7. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    8. omg you’re making me all emotional and i was hanging on to each and every word in the mucho intense fight. it was unbelievably good!!! this reminds me so much of your earlier fic that i fell in love with. :D keep up the good work mate!!!!

    9. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

    10. Holy COW! Great update man. GREAT. I loved it. And the emotion that was running thru this whole thing? Amazing. I was feeling everything that Ashley and Spencer were feeling. Thnk god that they are together, but now I’ve started to panic about when Spencer finds out about the bet. I wonder how it’s going to go down. I’ll be waiting for your next post. Hopefully Ashley will be able to wait a week. Love! xoXOxo

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