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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Golden Butterfly)

    7.30 rolled round quicker than I ever thought possible.  I’d only just added the finishing touches to my hair and make up when the intercom next to my door started ringing.  By that point I’d only just managed to put on the one shoe, and so hobbled to the door, my bare foot slapping loudly on the cold wooden floors.  I’d already picked up the handset when I finally looked at the little screen to see Spencer standing there outside the main doors to my building.

    “Wow,” I gasped.  She looks stunning.  She chuckled and I blushed.  Thank God I’m the only one who can see anything through this damn intercom!

    “Hey,” she said airily.  “Gonna let me in?  Or do I have to wait out here for you in the freezing cold?”

    I hit the button to let her in and heard the alien buzzing sound that signified the latch opening for her.

    “That do you?” I joked.  She smiled and I quickly hung up as I saw the main door swing into view and her beautiful face leave my screen to enter the building.

    I took a deep breath and ran as quickly as I could back to my bedroom to find my other shoe before Spencer arrived at my door – I lived on the first floor, after all.  I’d just strapped myself into the absurdly high stiletto – who the fuck devised these things? – when she gently knocked on my door.  If I wasn’t already nervous, I was now a wreck.  My heartbeat trebled and I caught one last glimpse of my reflection in the full length mirror next to my bedroom door before I headed over to let her in.  By the time I’d reached for the handle, my hand was shaking and my blood was pounding in my ears, so I took a moment to compose myself.  Smoothing down the sides of my black, figure-hugging dress with one hand – I never wear dresses, ever! – I took a deep breath and finally reached up to the latch, simultaneously turning it and the door handle to allow the door to swing open and reveal my date for the evening.  Oh my god!

    In person, she was beyond stunning.  Where, at work, she would normally have her hair tied back, it was now down, cascading over her beautiful, tanned shoulders that looked to be sculpted by Bernini himself.  My eyes grazed her whole body, taking in her full curves and the way her light blue dress made her eyes look a deeper shade.  She was curvy, whereas I was less so, and my God did it suit her!

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    1. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    2. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    3. Even MORE embarassing: The rest of my post got lost somehow, urgh! I guess I’m not allowed to use the return key. Haha, live and learn! Anyway, as I typed previously, (but didn’t get sent through), your story is the first I’ve commented on, despite reading everything that pops up here, haha. So, uh, be proud? Regardless, it’s amazing how you can write such a short scene in so many words. I tend to lack that ability, despite all the bloviation I put my poor posts through. Anyway, I just love how you interpret the characters, and I adore the storyline and plot, the idea is lovely and make me squal with delight at the thought of it…and, I must say, your writing style is to die for. I seriously need to come up to your level, both in terms of writing ability AND update frequency! But, well, seriously, this is an amazing story. I don’t think I have to ask you to update again soon; you’re quite excellent about that on your own!

    4. Amazing update. I really like the plot of this story. I’m glad Ash and Spence are having civilized conversation (aside from Ashley’s comments) and on a ‘date’. This is an interesting story PMS.

    5. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    6. hey isn’t ash suppose to ask about why spencer suddenly left and her supposed gf??? they need to get the talk going on before they can really move on. ooo this fic is way too addictive so keep on posting mate!!

    7. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    8. this was great!!! i’m so happy that they are finally having this conversation and are going to move on…for some birthday love??? hope so. can’t wait to read more! please post more soon!

    9. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

    10. gettin crunk wit it! gettin loose wit it! haha…i’m thinkin that they’re gonna get totally trashed and ashley lets the beans slip about PNG, they get into a big fight..and ashley goes home, reads the card…and it says i want us to try again…or something of the sort. amazing as always bannermaaaan

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