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    Project New Girl – (Chapter: Tastes Like Tap Water)

    “Maybe they’re just trying to make you feel welcome?” I asked, feigning a genuine inference as to why DJC were treating her in such a way.

    “Or get into my pants,” she winked.

    I laughed.  She didn’t know just how right she was, or that their accessing what resided inside her pants was worth over twenty thousand dollars to them.

    “Men are so pathetic,” she laughed.

    “Yeah – men,” I sighed.  The thing was, I knew, deep down, that if it hadn’t been Spencer who was the focus of Project New Girl, I’d have been acting in exactly the same way as all the guys, and the thought made me feel pretty nauseous.  “Why haven’t you just told them you’re gay?”

    “I dunno…” she sighed.  “Actually, I do know.  I guess I thought it’d be hard enough being one of few women in a very male environment as it is, and I didn’t want my orientation to be a whole extra reason for them to treat me differently or unfairly.”

    “They’re fine with me,” I pointed out.  “They just treat me like one of the lads, really.”

    “Yeah, well I don’t want to be one of the lads… just cos I’m gay doesn’t mean I have the characteristics or interests of a man and nor do I want to be treated like one,” she said righteously, “and I reckon that’s another reason why I haven’t told any of them.  Carrie’s the only one who knows, and she’s fine with it – great with it even.”

    “Oh really?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.  I felt a little strange joking about possible love interests for her considering we were hardly friends and it was quite a personal subject to breach considering we’d only just made amends for the past.  But still, if it meant I got inside information, it was a good thing.

    “Shut up,” Spencer said, blushing as she looked away from me.  At that moment I felt a piece of my heart break away from the rest and slowly dissolve into nothingness.  She actually likes Carrie.  The thought killed me.  “She just seems to get me, she’s easy to talk to, and we get on, that’s all.  I was surprised by how understanding she was, to be honest, although I guess she’s probably also happy I’m not competition for her – she’s a bit of a man-eater.”

    “Yeah, she certainly has an appetite,” I said ambiguously.  I wasn’t going to tell her that Carrie wasn’t exactly the straightest ‘man-eater’ I’d known, and definitely wasn’t going to inform her of my own sordid dealings with her.  That girl was insatiable.  She was also a total gold digger.  The thought suddenly jarred something within me.  She’s in on the bet – I know it!!  She’d never been that genuinely nice to anyone before, let alone a total newcomer to the office.

    “I dunno, we just click… and it’s nice to have someone here who I can talk to about anything,” Spencer justified.

    I remembered a time when we had been like that; when I had been that person; when everything had been so easy before it all got so hard.  Track One felt like it galaxies away and lifetimes ago and, more than anything, I wanted to be back there again… I wanted to be back there so much that it hurt.  The idea of anyone else being that close to Spencer made me crazy, but even more so the idea of her dating anyone from DJC.  It was then that it dawned on me just how unfair the bet was, and I was determined I’d get it called off.

    “I don’t trust her,” I admitted, hoping Spencer wouldn’t be offended by me saying such a thing about one of her friends.

    “Why?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious.

    “I dunno… past experience with her… she seems kinda deceitful.”

    “Ah well – I always did have a thing for bad girls,” she joked, nudging me.  Our eyes met for a moment and our gaze held, silence falling around us.  I cleared my throat and looked away.

    “Besides, you’re probably just jealous,” she laughed, quickly adding a ‘just kidding’ when she saw the warning signal flashing in my eyes.  If only she knew how right she was – about everything… well, except Carrie.

    “Anyway, we’ve got a pitch to win, Ash,” she said, and for once I allowed ‘Ash’ to slip by unchallenged.  I’d always loved the way it sounded when she said it, anyway.


    1. seriously… you = a freaking legend!!!! this story is really really really great and i can’t wait until you write more! well, why we are on that topic…please write more now!!! seriously though – i just love this story and i keep checking all day long to see if you’ve posted more. keep it up!

    2. Haha. This was an awesome update and I’m glad we’re on the same page on the whole “Carrie is the Devil reincarnated” thing. :] I absolutely hate her, but just because she is a gold-digging, self-absorbed, man-eating, two-faced, no-good whore. If she was all those things and not out to ruin Spashely then I wouldn’t see the problem with her but that just isn’t the case. And btw I’m so unbelievably glad that they are talking again (and civilly). You have no idea. They’re on the track to recovery and that is hella good. All we need is for some more bonding and Ashley to get into Spencer’s pants and we’ve got a winner here. You’re the best; I wait all day to see if you update and sometimes I even check the computer at my school to see if you’ve updated. That is majorly against the rules for me and I could possibly get suspended but you (and this story) is so worth it. I love ya. Update soon so I can see Carrie get what she deserves (which is a round house kick to the face, or a black eye, or a broken nose, or just any kind of physical pain that Ashley makes her suffer). God… I’m so violent, but that WHORE deserves it. Never before have I felt so passionate about someone getting a beating (which she so rightly deserves). It’s kinda strange for me that I loathe her this much. Normally I’m all “La-dee-la-la” but now I’m like “kick that beeyotch’s face in”. So yeah… this is why I like your stufff, it brings out my inner rage that I don’t get to see that often. And this is one freaking huge ass comment. I send my love to you in hopes that it might just cause you to pms. :] Love.

    3. Oh Josh, Josh, Josh. Father my babies will you? I… oh.. that came out aloud… whoops. Um.. JOSH! I loves you! And your amazing fic. Actually scratch that, I’ll just have babies with your fic. Less messy, less awkward silences between us when we realise we’re both lesbians… and you just have added bits. Besides, goober is trying to cozy up to Kozmic’s fic, I don’t see why I can’t do it to yours. I mean, it is the most addictive thing since Kraft brought out fake cheese. And I ain’t talking in a can man (woo hoo rhyme), I mean the good block of plastic yumminess. YOU my friend, are better than Guiness. That’s right. Better. Than. Guiness. And I like Guiness. YOU ARE A LEDGE!!!! And any other type of awesomeness your brain throws up. Now excuse me while I schmooze on up to your fic.

    4. I really like this fic, its unique. Talk about complicated, thats what their past is. Ash needs to keep her eye on Carrie, and I wonder what she was doing in Julian’s office. I hope you update again soon.

    5. seriously… you = a freaking legend!!!! this story is really really really great and i can’t wait until you write more! well, why we are on that topic…please write more now!!! seriously though – i just love this story and i keep checking all day long to see if you’ve posted more. keep it up!

    6. Haha. This was an awesome update and I’m glad we’re on the same page on the whole “Carrie is the Devil reincarnated” thing. :] I absolutely hate her, but just because she is a gold-digging, self-absorbed, man-eating, two-faced, no-good whore. If she was all those things and not out to ruin Spashely then I wouldn’t see the problem with her but that just isn’t the case. And btw I’m so unbelievably glad that they are talking again (and civilly). You have no idea. They’re on the track to recovery and that is hella good. All we need is for some more bonding and Ashley to get into Spencer’s pants and we’ve got a winner here. You’re the best; I wait all day to see if you update and sometimes I even check the computer at my school to see if you’ve updated. That is majorly against the rules for me and I could possibly get suspended but you (and this story) is so worth it. I love ya. Update soon so I can see Carrie get what she deserves (which is a round house kick to the face, or a black eye, or a broken nose, or just any kind of physical pain that Ashley makes her suffer). God… I’m so violent, but that WHORE deserves it. Never before have I felt so passionate about someone getting a beating (which she so rightly deserves). It’s kinda strange for me that I loathe her this much. Normally I’m all “La-dee-la-la” but now I’m like “kick that beeyotch’s face in”. So yeah… this is why I like your stufff, it brings out my inner rage that I don’t get to see that often. And this is one freaking huge ass comment. I send my love to you in hopes that it might just cause you to pms. :] Love.

    7. Oh Josh, Josh, Josh. Father my babies will you? I… oh.. that came out aloud… whoops. Um.. JOSH! I loves you! And your amazing fic. Actually scratch that, I’ll just have babies with your fic. Less messy, less awkward silences between us when we realise we’re both lesbians… and you just have added bits. Besides, goober is trying to cozy up to Kozmic’s fic, I don’t see why I can’t do it to yours. I mean, it is the most addictive thing since Kraft brought out fake cheese. And I ain’t talking in a can man (woo hoo rhyme), I mean the good block of plastic yumminess. YOU my friend, are better than Guiness. That’s right. Better. Than. Guiness. And I like Guiness. YOU ARE A LEDGE!!!! And any other type of awesomeness your brain throws up. Now excuse me while I schmooze on up to your fic.

    8. I really like this fic, its unique. Talk about complicated, thats what their past is. Ash needs to keep her eye on Carrie, and I wonder what she was doing in Julian’s office. I hope you update again soon.

    9. I am just getting a chance to read your update. Another great one. I’m glad that they come to a point where they could talk. And what was that Carrie doing?! Is she stealing information for the other company?! No! And she’s possibly in on the bet too! This story is so interesting. Love it…PMS!

    10. I am just getting a chance to read your update. Another great one. I’m glad that they come to a point where they could talk. And what was that Carrie doing?! Is she stealing information for the other company?! No! And she’s possibly in on the bet too! This story is so interesting. Love it…PMS!

    11. this carrie chick is seriously disrupting the feelings i have going on here, especially now that they’re able to talk to each other… spence actually LIKES carrie? i’m as stumped as ashley. ‘someone i can actually talk to’ made me want to kick spencer in the face (im sorry). you don’t speak like this to someone who cared so much for you! agh. they’ll get over this, i know… excellent update. thank you!

    12. this carrie chick is seriously disrupting the feelings i have going on here, especially now that they’re able to talk to each other… spence actually LIKES carrie? i’m as stumped as ashley. ‘someone i can actually talk to’ made me want to kick spencer in the face (im sorry). you don’t speak like this to someone who cared so much for you! agh. they’ll get over this, i know… excellent update. thank you!

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