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    Protecting You


                A searing pain shot through her heart as the realization of what she had done finally settled in. There would be no more laughs. There would be no more funny stories, no stolen glances, no quick kisses, nothing that would ever resemble happiness. But it was the right thing to do, or at least that’s what she told herself. However, she still longed for those many things that had easily become a necessity in her life. And the strongest pain was not that these things had been stripped away from her, but she chose to leave them behind.


    It was the hardest decision that she ever had to make, but things had just gotten too unbearable.


    In the beginning, she would’ve never expected for them to reach this point. It was nothing but bliss. No other feelings had ever been able to match this, nor would they. Every waking moment was spent together. Life had revolved around one another and the two were inseparable. Despite the many looks and sharp comments, they had remained to stay at each other’s side. She had never known someone who could care this much. Never until her, had she found anybody that would be willing to give up this much for her, and this it turned out, was just the beginning.


    The days were spent being filled with love. As each moment passed, it became a personal mission to entail as much passion as humanly possible. She reveled in every moment that she could be with her. Every second spent with a touch, a kiss, or a longing glance was a point in time incomparable to anything else. No matter at clubs, the beach, or even one’s house, they were always together.


    But things got too hard.


    If someone had said that there is a greater way to prove your love, than she would have said that they were full of it and stormed off. That girl did everything for her. She had once told her, “You’re so worth it.” If only they both would have known the power behind those words. Maybe something could’ve been different.


    She gave up friends. She gave up the respect of her family members. She gave up a part of herself.

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    1. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

    2. How can you think this is crappy?! Such a beautiful piece, comic! You should never think that. Your stories are always so great…and this one just adds another reason as to why I love you as a writer! Ugh, heart breaking…I could see Ashley doing that. I could see her giving up everything to protect Spencer. I think thats why this one shot hit me so hard…because I can see it happen. Loved it! And I hope your day is better tomorrow. ;)

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