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    Well, here is the one-shot where I want to rant. Actually this wasn’t supposed to be it, but I don’t know what happened. Anyway, sorry for not the updating anything, its actually not my fault, my computer crashed, and even though I am a computer wiz, I had no idea what was wrong, I had to actually go back into my notes, and I finally realized what was wrong and anyway, i fixed it. Even if i did fix it like 10 minutes before the season premiere, which although i told myself not to watch, I watched, and well it was different.

    Ok, so back to the ranting i guess, actually, no, I want to tell everyone, that I just winged this story, seriously of out fucking nowhere. I was writing my rant (which i didn’t even save) and anyway, i decided to write a story to go along, because nobody wants to read just a rant, they want a story and stuff so i wrote it, having a sort of idea in my mind, but then forgetting like as soon as i wrote the first line, then just winging it and this is how it turned out. It didn’t turn out great, but i think i could turn it into a story, i don’t know, let me know, if a bunch of you like it, i will.

    Now for my rant, which is pretty useless now, cause the season already premiered and well i was right in some things, and wrong in others. I knew Ashley wouldn’t pick Aiden, i concluded she would pick Spencer, and i knew Spencer would grow some balls, and stand up to Ashley finally, god, I mean i saw the previews of Spencer acting like a bitch to Ashley, but then i saw why i was like damn straight. Ashely needs to get bitch slapped into reality or something.

    Also Aiden is getting a taste of his own medicine, Ashley is playing them both though, but it seems as Spencer knows this, and somehow is going to use it to her advantage, or something like that. And the new girl coming next week is really going to get Ashley jealous, and we need Ashley to feel what Spencer was feeling, seriously, how are you going to call someone like at 2 a.m.(It looked like it was 2 a.m.) And tell them you miss them and shit, and have a guy in your bed, ah, Ashley, you need to get bitch slapped on some real shit.

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    1. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    2. the premier was awesome! i was kinda mad at ashley but, kinda sad for her at the same time. it made me sad because, she was lonely but, mad at the same time cause she keeps calling spencer and tell her that she loved her and only her and STILL sleeping with aiden. WTF? anyways! this was a great one shot .. but i think you should finish it too! it was awesome! PMS!

    3. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

    4. i loved the premier as well, i want to be pissed at ashley and sort of am but i get her thinking and they aren’t together so it wasn’t like cheating but still totally wrong. you should finish this one shot, it was good.

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