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    Rant II

    The blonde rubbed her clit, as she rode her wife. She was so close, she could feel it, she’d been trying to hold it in for a while, she loved it when Ashley was this aggressive, and she was trying to make it last long, which was incredibly hard of course.
    While Mrs. Davies grabbed the blonde’s ass, as she sucked and bit viciously at the girl’s breast, the blonde just enjoying the attention her body was getting.

    All the parts of her body were getting attention, she didn’t know which part to concentrate on, and she wasn’t sure what had aroused her more.

    The red hand marks on her ass, from the spanking her lover was doing, or if the bruised erect nipples that Ashley had been biting and sucking on, or if her center, where the long instrument that she had been riding on for the past several minutes. Heck, maybe it could be the rubbing she’s giving herself.

    The blonde felt her lover grab onto her hips and just mimic the movements of the rest of her body. Up and down, its been like that for the past 9 minutes, yes, she would admit it was a new personal record, never, has she been able to control herself from coming for that long for her wife, it was almost impossible not to get turned on just by looking at her.

    She kept on with the same movements, as she finally let herself relax, and within seconds she came, she came as if she’d been holding it in for 7 minutes, and with that she let her body fall on top of Ashley.

    The brunette then whispered in her ear.

    “I love you so much” as she stroked the blonde’s hair.

    “I love you too” Spencer replied with a smile as she kissed her wife with all the energy she had left.

    Spencer came home from work, hoping to find Ashley home, and secretly hoping her wife had had a bad day. It had been about 5 days since her last bad day, which of course meant no extremely kinky sex, with Spencer thought she could go without, but the throbbing between her legs was telling her otherwise.

    Had their sex lives really become that boring, that Spencer needed the extra pleasure, she didn’t think so, every night, kinky or not, she came as Ashley would eat her out, and it would feel good, great even, she had no idea why this was happening.

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