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    Rather Fantastic Christmas Tree (One Shot)

                    “There!” I said with a flourish, plugging in the lights and looking over at my girlfriend who was lying languidly on the couch, looking at the newly decorated Christmas tree with disinterest. I’d only gotten her to put a few ornaments before she plopped herself down on the couch. I hadn’t expected much, Ashley rarely ever got interested in holidays. I’d only gotten her into the living room by promising that we could be naked while decorating the tree. She had been sorely disappointed when she finally realized that I actually wanted to decorate the tree, not have sex underneath it.

                    “Good job baby,” She chuckled, shifting slightly and making my eyes drift down. This was our first Christmas living together, and our third as a couple. We’d only been living in our apartment for about two months and we were still in the process of getting used to it. Which, when you’re in a relationship with Ashley Davies, means lots of sex; on every surface we could find, in every room, basically just anywhere that I happened to be when she decided that she wanted me. Not that she always started it; I had my moments as well. Like now.

                    Her tan, smooth skin was completely revealed to me, and bathed in the dim lights from the Christmas tree, she was intoxicating. Ashley was completely immersed in her laptop so she didn’t notice my stare, which was good because when she caught onto my moods she liked to tease me. And, while I usually enjoyed being teased, I wasn’t sure if I could take it right then. It was better for her to think that it was her idea. The couch was huge and extremely comfortable, it easily fit us both lying down so it wasn’t a problem for me to crawl up beside her. She smiled at me and shifted so that I could curl into her but went back to her laptop as I wrapped my arms around her from behind and pressed a kiss to her neck. The fact that she wasn’t already on top of me showed extreme self control for Ashley; whatever she was looking at on her laptop must’ve been extremely interesting. I glanced over her shoulder and rolled my eyes. She was watching Beauty and the Beast.

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