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    Reflections – (Chapter: 1 & 2-Wedding Plans)

    There was a time when all I ever wanted was to fall in love. That time came. But it left me wilting in a battered and broken shell. My heart never fully healed, but it managed to move on. After ten years you would think that I had learned my lesson. But I never did.



    Ch. 1

    “Hey Spence, what do you think of these?”

    Spencer walked up beside me and took the yellow rose in her hand, “I don’t know,Ash. These just don’t seem like something Rachel would like.”


    Spencer was my ex. I had known her since she was 14 and I was 17. It had been ten long years since I had first met her. She was my best friend. I was planning on proposing to my girlfriend Rachel so Spence came to help me pick out some flowers. Rachel was five years younger than I was. My 27 years had nothing on her 22. But yet it didn’t keep either of us from being together.


    When it came to picking flowers I had absolutely no idea what would be the best. Despite the fact that we had been together for five years now, she and I couldn’t have been more different. We both loved writing. That was really the only thing that we had in common. She was always fascinated with history and the great beyond. But all of that seemed a little ridiculous to me. I still loved a part of her though.


    “So, have you picked a date for the wedding yet?”


    I almost choked on my coffee, “What?! Spence, I haven’t even proposed yet.”


    “Well I didn’t know. I mean you’re usually always on top of every thing.”


    “Ha, funny. Are you trying to confuse me?”


    “No, why would I want to confuse you?”


    “I don’t know. Can we change the subject please?”


    I looked at her. She still looked the same. Her blue eyes still spoke every thought that was going through her mind. Her hair was longer now than it had been in the past. It was still the shimmering blonde that I remember it being when I met her. Everything about her was the same except for the fact that she had grown up quite a bit in ten years. She was the only person that knew me completely and didn’t hate me for any of my past decisions. We were connected somehow. It was odd, but we always knew what was going on with the other one. If one of us were upset then we knew it and we would call.

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