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    Reflections – (Chapter: 5)

    As soon as Rachel left for class I quickly got on my laptop. This time when it came to Spencer I was going to write down every detail of every event, big or small. I could remember a lot of things from high school but if something happened in which she would deny everything I would have it all written down to throw in her face. I know that sounds harsh but after being pushed and pulled in every single direction I can’t help but do it. I hoped that I would never have to do it.
    My other writing wasn’t coming along so well. Since I inherited money from my father I really had nothing to worry about. So, I went to college and got a degree in literature. I started off just writing small stuff. Finally I started writing lesbian fiction. And that’s where my heart’s been since I got the job. I was the second top writer for my publisher and my themes were said to be all in their own. What no one ever knew was that each of them were written about specific times in my life. And most of those involved Spencer.

    But now I had her and I had nothing to write. Nothing came to mind and I felt like I had lost my fire. Not that it was a bad thing. I finally had a chance with the love of my life and I honestly could care less about my writing career. She inspired me but I couldn’t write about shiny happy things when my heart wasn’t broken. It always came out so cheesy.

    I glanced over at the clock; it was only 9:30. Spencer didn’t take her lunch until around 11:30. I had two hours to kill, nothing to write, and nobody to talk to. Or wait, I did have someone to talk to. I walked to the kitchen and picked up my cell phone. Aiden was probably at work but he always took calls. That’s one of the perks of being a high profile attorney. I quickly found his number in my contacts and called.



    “Ash? What’s up?” I heard paperwork shuffle in the background.

    “You were right.”

    “I was right…about what?”


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    1. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    2. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

    3. awww good…no no. wait. GREAT update!! i’m so glad ashley ran after spencer! i was scurred she wasnt gonna at first. i kinda feel bad for rachel but..meh. its true love. cant stand in the way of that! update again soon!!

    4. Wonderful update. I`m so glad ashley and spencer are getting together. Poor rachel but ashley has to tell her soon. Cant wait to see whats going to happen next. PMS

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