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    There was a loud thump when Ashley and Spencer stumbled through the door. Hungrily kissing and groping each other. Abruptly Ashley ends the kissing and looks deep into the blue eyes of the blond haired goddes.

    "You’re so beautifull"

    And she brushes a strand of hair out of Spencer’s face

    "I love you 2 Ash"

    A blush rises to Ashley her cheeks. Never has she been this loved or loved a person in her life so much as she loves her beautifull Spencer. And the moonlight casting trhough the window on the angelic face of her loved one only makes this moment that more beautiful and so much more memorable.

    Spencers hand is starting to travel as it is tracing Ashley’s jawline and gets captured by a tanned hand receiving butterfly kisses all over it.

    Moments after this Ashley starts walking Spencer to her queen sized bed and lays her down so carefully as if the lightest touch could brake this porcelain skinned angel.

    Ashley is in awe. How can such a beautiful creature be only hers. How can she, Ashley Davies, be the one that this girl adores the most in her life?

    "Make love to me Ash, please" Are the words that fall from the Angel her lips as she starts to remove her clothing.

    Short after this the touch of breast on breast, skin on skin and mound on mound is the only thing these to girls can think about as they revel in eachothers body.

    They start to kiss again. A slow and sensuous kiss, a kiss full of love.

    Ashley starts sucking on Spencers pullspoint earning a sigh and two wonderfull hands on her back. She moves more to the south where two rock hard nipples are waiting to be payed attention to . She starts to suck, lick, bite and pay hommage to this wonderfull breasts.

    "Fuck Ash, Don’t tease!"

    "OH GOD!!! FUCK!"

    And before she even noticed Ashley just entered her with her tongue. Moving in and out soon to be removed and replaced with her fingers so her tongue can go to her clit.

    "I’m soo close" Spencer breaths out almost inaudibly.

    And Ashley goes thrusting faster and faster. In Out In Out In Out. And licking and sucking on her clit.

    "Fuck me Ash! Fuck Me!!"

    Ashley curls her fingers and ……

    Los Angeles 2015 8a.m.


    Good morning Los Angeles!!! Today as the first day of spring break…..

    Ashleys hand slams down on the alarmclock

    There are bottles laying all over the floor just like every morning when she wakes up in her shitty apartment.

    "FUCCKKKK!!!" she screams and throws the alarmclock through the room and starts sobbing

    "Why couldn;t I just love her? Why couldn’t I just love her?"


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